Monday, July 15, 2013


L started Vacation Bible School tonight at church. It's one a half hours for each day this week, ending Friday. It's her first time. The church just started VBS last year and we were in Disney the week they scheduled it. We thought we'd give it a try since we were around this week. The theme for the week is various countries. Today they learned about Japan. Then heard a Bible story about Abraham and Sarah. That didn't fit into the Japanese theme at all, but I didn't help plan the agenda so I guess I really can't complain. After the Bible story, the kids went downstairs and made sushi.

It was L's second experience with sushi and she was about as thrilled with it as she was the first time. We tossed it on our way out. L's not too excited about returning tomorrow, especially since her neighborhood friends she thought were going with her decided not to, but she'll be there. Somehow I got roped into helping with crafts for the entire week when I offered to volunteer for a few days. Today and tomorrow, though, they won't be doing a craft unless they have "extra" time so I get to sit around and wait. What was that Dad used to tell me? Don't volunteer. Oh, yeah.

Coolest part of the evening? One dad brought in stuff to make a volcano (like Mount Fuji in Japan) explode.

L was pretty excited today to win a $10 Coldstone gift card (for ice cream!)from the orthodontist and to learn she doesn't have to go back for six months! B also told us the library called yesterday and E won a gift card in the summer reading program so I need to go pick that up this week. Not sure what business the gift card is from, but we'll find out.

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