Friday, November 30, 2018

First card

We got our first Christmas card of the season today ... from our personal banker lol.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

They approve

The cats like their new tree. We thought Muffles would be the one to jump to the top, but it's August. Muffles will hang out on the top if we set him there. August, though, jumps from the floor and sofa. Pretty impressive for a chunky cat.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

New star

I have been searching for a rustic star for our new flocked tree and found one today on a Target run. That means this red one is going to be returned:

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dangerous driving

I ventured out to get groceries today and this was the stoplight at Harlem and 16th, a pretty busy intersection. This light is red. Two more lights southbound I went through, following the car in front of me, again at a light that couldn't be seen, and apparently, the light was pretty yellow when the previous driver went through. As I went through, the cross traffic started to move. I honked my horn and hoped they'd all stop. Fortunately, they did. That was a close one.

Decorated for Christmas

We bought a flocked tree. Thought we'd switch things up a little this year. E and B have no idea! L thinks they'll be surprised when they get home for break in three weeks. Now I'm on the search for a rustic-looking star tree topper.

The dining room garland is up. See the cardinals?

And I put garland on the back porch. It's being held up with packing tape so we'll see how long that lasts.

Monday, November 26, 2018

First snow day

A little early in the season, but L had her first snow day of the school year today.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Back to college

E and B left this morning to drive back to U of I. We wanted them to leave before the rain/snow/blizzard begins. They arrived back safely.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Girls' Day Out

The girls and I drove out to Julie's this morning to meet her and Allison and go to a craft show. Julie's future daughter-in-law, S, also came along.

I was really tempted to buy this magnet. I did buy a couple of cute ornaments.

I thought Andy would like this Festivus sign, a made-up holiday from "Seinfeld" that we used to watch religiously.

L talked me into buying these adorable hedgehog mittens. However, if she loses one (or both) by the end of winter, she owes me $15. I have witnesses she said that would be fine.

L bought two bottle-brush trees she plans to set up in her room.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday

While Andy and E were golfing today, and B was relaxing at home, L and I went shopping. Our first stop was Old Navy to stock up on some fuzzy socks for winter.

From there we went to Bed Bath and Beyond, Kohls, Costco for gas and JCPenney before heading to Fuddrucker's for lunch.

After lunch we went to another Bed Bath and Beyond (still not finding the Christmas quilt I was searching for) and Petsmart where L was petting all the cats for adoption.

We left without a cat, but we did get this cat tree for a $50 Black Friday special price. It's a little bigger than I thought and a store employee had to help us get it into my car. I think Muffles likes it.

Thursday, November 22, 2018


It's time for Thanksgiving! The table is set with a dark brown tablecloth and fall plaid napkins ... (Does the floral centerpiece look familiar?)

the appetizers are ready ...

and the star of our Thanksgiving dinner is done.

Andy carves the turkey as usual.

A picture of the table before we start feasting.

We had turkey, of course, mashed potatoes, corn casserole, carrots, green beans with dried cranberries, stuffing, cranberry sauce and Hawaiian rolls.

Talking after dinner.

L shows off her bakery skills by cutting the pies. I made a pecan pie and L made a chocolate mousse pie.

The cousins willingly posed for this picture as they got their coats on to go in Cousin C's new car to take Thanksgiving dinner to Grandma.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

'Miss Saigon'

Andy and I went downtown to see "Miss Saigon" tonight.

I've been entering the "Miss Saigon" theater ticket lottery since the show started playing in Chicago and yesterday I won! I had an hour after being notified to purchase our tickets.

We had dinner at a local restaurant, then drove downtown. We had a little time to kill so we walked through a couple aisles of the Christkindlmarket. Surprisingly, I saw a booth that I think is new. It was selling ornaments made of tree bark. The moose was adorable. When I go back I want to give those a closer look.

Our seats were on the orchestra floor, to the left of the stage, Row U. There were two more rows behind us. The face value of the tickets was $85 each so we got a bargain.

Ready for the show to begin. We didn't know the "Miss Saigon" story. Andy enjoyed the opening act - you'll have to see the show to appreciate that. All of the dialogue was sung so it was a bit hard to understand at times but we enjoyed it. Don't expect a happy ending.

Thanksigiving prep

August is daring me to move him so I can put down the tablecloth for Thanksgiving. I did manage to make a pecan pie and put the stuffing together, as well as clean a bit. There's always more cleaning to do.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Monday, November 19, 2018

Mayu's not here

Got an email from Jostens to buy Mayu's yearbook. It was a sad reminder that she's not here.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Queen movie

Andy and I went to see "Bohemian Rhapsody" at the Oakbrook Center theater this afternoon. We don't think we've seen a movie together since "Toy Story 3," which would have been in 2010. Wow. We don't usually agree on movies we'd like to see so this was a special occasion. The theater was nice and cushy too.

We weren't alone. E came with us and L spent the time shopping. All three of us liked the movie.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Thankoffering Dinner

E and B drove up last night (early this morning, really) and got home about 2 a.m. They wanted to beat the snow that fell this morning. We were torn - drive up in the dry conditions in the dark or wait till morning and drive with the possibility of snow? Just glad they made it home safe. Here they are at the church's Thankoffering Dinner. L's Pecan Pie Tartlets were a big hit. She got lots of compliments.

Let's eat! I brought broccoli rice casserole.

This is a picture a friend took. E said she didn't realize there was a photo being taken so she's hidden behind B. L was off wandering around.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Pecan Pie Tartlets

L went to the grocery store tonight to get supplies to make Pecan Pie Tartlets, a recipe she found online. She's taking them to the church's Thankoffering Dinner tomorrow night.

They smell good. She's planning to take one to her boss at the bakery tomorrow to see what she thinks. I'll be anxious to hear.

Lunch date

Someone called in sick to work this morning with a sore throat but recovered in time to be my lunch date.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Office Thanksgiving

Andy was up early this morning cooking five pounds of potatoes to take to his office Thanksgiving lunch. He mashed them with lots of butter and cream cheese. I even got a small taste. Yummy.

Here's the holiday spread.

It must be good. This is Andy's second plate!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Pumpkin in the street

Maybe it rolled out there? Maybe it was tossed. Near the busy intersection of DesPlaines and Madison.