Thursday, November 30, 2023

Last November sunrise

Pretty sunrise for the last day of November. This was 6:47 a.m.
This was 15 minutes later.

Super seller

L got Employee of the Month again and ...
this time she also got a congratulatory letter from the company COO for breaking the store's record for largest sale by an employee. Yay, L!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Cats and shiny things

Woke up the other morning and Andy already had the tree turned on. Then I noticed two ornaments on the floor and the tree skirt all messed up. I think a couple of cats had a good time playing there overnight. At least I haven't seen either one in the tree like they used to do.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Never again, shortbread

Andy brought home a container the preschool had set out at church so volunteers could bake cookies for Saturday's cookie walk fundraiser. I thought I'd make a shortbread recipe I had been wanting to try. I've tried making shortbread before with bad results and didn't know why I thought this time would be different. I cut the dough into stars but when they baked they spread out so I decided to cut them again when they were fresh out of the oven.
They look ok and taste ok so I'll take them to the cookie walk. Don't think I'll be attempting shortbread again.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Post-Thanksgiving breakfast

I only make and eat pecan pie once a year. August likes to eat the leftover whipped cream from my plate.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

E and D’s Whistler getaway

E and D (and the dogs) drove to Whistler, Canada, over Thanksgiving. This was their Airbnb.
Breakfast at Tim Horton's, of course.
D tried skiing. E tried snowbaording. He sent this video of E at a lesson.
At least she's staying upright. She did fall a few times though.
Pretty scenery on the drive back today to the States. They have a season pass at a resort near their house so they'll be practicing there. They'd like to go back to Whistler in February when there's more snow, they're more experieced, and can leave the dogs at a boarding facility. I'm not sure where their Airbnb was but next time they'd like to stay at a hotel closer to Whistler.

Big organization project

When L was home for Thanksgiving she said we could (finally!) take down her loft bed. She's been sleeping in E's bed when she's home since her own bed is covered in Squishmallows. And it can't be easy as an adult to keep crawling into a loft bed.
We had to call in B for some help.
Now it's sitting on the side of the house. A neighbor said she'd might want it and if she can't get it in a week it's going out by the garbage for the junk man to pick up.
With the manly taking-things-apart jobs over it's now up to me to organize everything. It's a big job. We brought in a twin bed frame from the garage but then realized we need a box spring ... or a new frame with a base.
And what's this I found? My favorite black skirt (from Walmart) I gave to L to wear at her Disney College program. Just don't lose it, I said. It's been missing since January 2022 and I finally found it. I don't even know if it ever made it to Florida. Wonder what else I might find.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Now it’s Christmastime

We were up early Friday to give L a hug before she drive back to Champaign for Black Friday.
She was already wearing the holiday shirt and ready to sell shoes. (I think the store goal was $20,000 for the day and she said they reached $20,818.) She considered driving back Thursday night but I said that wasn't a good idea. She said traffic Friday was light. She left our house around 5:30 a.m.
Since we were up we started putting away all the Thanksgiving things ...
and putting up Christmas things. Then we napped, had leftovers for lunch and went out shopping.
We didn't buy any gifts, mostly groceries. I did successfully use my McDonald's rewards for an iced coffee. They're already using their Christmas cups.
It was almost dark when we got home so I could turn all the Christmas lights on. Our retro-looking tree.
The mantle has the set of Advent calendar houses that Allison and I found at a recent church sale.
Andy helped me hang all of the silver and gold ornaments. That's a time-consuming job but I like how it looks.
We also got our first Christas card in Friday's mail. It was from our former next-door neighbors who seem to be settling in nicely in their new Michigan house.

Friday, November 24, 2023


I thought the table was set but I didn't have the wine glasses out.
The traditional pre-party margarita.
Carving the turkey.
Let's eat.
August would like some dinner too.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Decorations galore

I walked downstairs at work yesterday to get some pictures of the volunteer decorating our tree and the next thing I knew I was stringing lights and hanging these star ornaments.
Trying to figure out where to put the Polk Bros. Santa. He's famous in Chicagoland and I wanted him somewhere he wouldn't get broken.
Oops. We were filling in the tree with vintage Shiny Brite ornaments and the volunteer dropped one.
Just like the one we had growing up but ours was blue.
The tree is pretty much done ... just needs a topper.
Andy and I went to Babygold for $5 burger night and they have some of their blow molds up. The hostess told us more are coming.
Not sure where they'll put more but it will be fun to find out.
Best part of today, though, was that L came home for Thanksgiving! And E and D made it to Canada for a skiing/snowboarding long weekend.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Thanksgiving prep

I had my Thanksgiving napkins put too early so I had to re-wash those. I'm working today but did get a few things accomplished yesterday.
I baked a pecan pie and put the stuffing together.
Also pulled out the china we'll be using, rewashed the napkins and set up the appetizer buffet.
Even went out with Allison to look at holiday greenery at the conservatory (didn't buy any) but stopped by a local store and found a black Christmas tree for L. It's small but should be ok in her apartment. She wanted black. Silly girl.
I was told this would be out of my basement by Thanksgiving, yet here it sits three months later. Maybe we'll aim for removal by Christmas.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Early morning togetherness

This is what I most morning when I wake up and walk into the living room - Andy on his phone sitting with August in the dark.

Monday, November 20, 2023

Outdoor decorations

Andy and I put up the outdoor Christmas decorations yesterday. It was a bit early bit the weather was nice. We decided this will be the last year for our snowman family. We lost one of the mom's arms and the baby never had a nose or arms. That's to be expected when I got the whole set for $25 on clearance at Walmart.
On the front porch we hung icicle lights on the awning and put up the tree and Santa. We tied them both up with yarn so they don't blow over.
We may add lights to the railings and/or bushes but we're still debating.
We did hang lights for the first time on the garage.
And these white/blueish lights (100 bulbs) are one string we bought last year at Rural King in Champaign. We have three smaller sets of the same lights but not sure where they should go ... if anywhere this year.