Friday, December 31, 2021

Bird watching

E opened the blind so the cats could watch the sparrows in our bushes. The cats like watching the bids and E likes watching the cats.

Thursday, December 30, 2021


E's been keeping busy on her vacation. She sewed some masks yeaterday then started crocheting hats.
This was going to be a hat but she stopped early. Makes a nice warm headband though.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Subs and snow

I drove the girls to Alpine yesterday so E and I could get sandwiches for lunch. Apparently there are no good Italian sub shops in the entire Seattle area. Hmmm.
As we were getting ready to leave the house it started to snow when L walked out. She didn't think she would get to see snow before she left for Disney. It snowed the whole time we were out, through a brief stop at Costco for chciken nuggets, and here she is back home enjoying the snow.
Accumulation about three hours later.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Funny disclaimer

Amdy brought home a hige tin of Garrett's popcorn the office received as a Christmas gift. It's delicious. Even has a funny label ...

Monday, December 27, 2021

Card display

Found this idea while scrolling through Facebook - hanging Christmas cards on a ribbon and displaying them on my kitchen cabinets. I didn't hang all the cards but was able to fill two cabinet doors.

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Family Christmas photos

There was no snow for Christmas (ok by me). It was actually pretty warm, up to 55 degrees outside. Everyone who was going to be coming to dinner arrived while it was still daylight and by the time our Christmas lights came on. (And dinner wasn't quite ready). That made for perfect timing to get some family photos. Here's Andy and his siblings. Last time I got a picture of the four of them was 2016.
Same group with the in-laws. Worked out well being on the steps. L did a great job taking the picture.
And the cousins, one wife and two significant others. They've changed quite a bit since 2015.
What's left of the Christmas tree candle centerpiece. The pinecone candles didn't last through dinner.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Family Christmas dinner

B gave me a great Christmas present - he got his Covid vaccine while the kids were in the city yesterday. The downside was that he was tired. So tired that he went back to bed and slept. We forgot to do the pickle ornament but the kids looked for it before the family arrived. B on. He got a box of cosmic brownies and $5.
Our traditional before-the-party margarita. It's a good tradition.
E surprised the aunts by giving them her homemade shopping bags.
Time for dinner. We had beef tenderloin, ham, green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing and rolls.
We had nine people upstairs ...
amd eight dining downstairs.
After dinner we played a few rounds of Christmas bingo.
I'd been collecting prizes when I've seen things on sale throughout the year. Gifts included soap, candy, bungee cords (that cousin D, a mechanic, chose - perfect), spices, potholders, a puzzle, password book (that cousin C claimed, saying she had just been mentioning she needed a place to keep her passwords), Post-it Notes, a mini waffle maker. I had wrapped them all a couple weeks ago and had forgotten what most were.
Andy was the caller. Everyone who didn't get a prize was given an instant lottery ticket. We didn't have any big winners though.
Time for dessert!
You know the party is winding down when B falls asleep on Aunt Allison.
E and D watching Disney's new movie, "Encanto."

Ready for the family

Table is set - silver tablecloth and green napkins.
L was giving me a hard time about whether to use the pinecone candles but she liked the napkin rings.
August is hiding.
Appetizers. They kids are munching away on the olives.
And a Christmas injury. I was cutting the top rind off the brie and went right through my finger.

Christmas morning

Time to open presents!
Seed pods for her aero planter.
L and B pooled their money and got Andy a margarita-designed driver cover and matching golf towel.
B got some nice casual clothes.
Sibling smiles.
Excited to get a Disney gift card.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

Andy and I were able to get a lot ready for the family Christmas dinner while all three kids went to downtown Chicago to shop (together!). B met friends for a quick lunch while the girls did more shopping.
While he was gone FedEx delivered these packages for B. He was offered (and accepted) an actuarial job last Friday and today received his computer equipment for the new job! It's an 18-month, remote contract position. Yay, B!
E went to D's house for his family's Christmas. B and L went with us to the Christmas Eve candlelight service.
B found it a good time to nod off.
Our favorite part is lighting the candles.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Full house

E and D flew home from Seattle yesterday. Andy picked them up at O'Hare, dropped D off at his parents' house and brought E home! All three kids are home! My heart and home are full.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Where’s August?

Took me a while to find August this morning.


Allison, L and I went to the Christkindlmarket in front of Wrigley Field yesterday afternoon.
We all got our souvenir mugs (25th anniversary of the market) but we were disappointed at how much smaller the market was than the one at Daley Plaza. On the bright side, we were able to walk up to most of the booths.
Me and my girl.
L and Allison. L tried her hot wine. She said it was fruity.
We had quite a time getting home. We didn't get on the Eisenhower so we were driving through neighborhoods. When we got to Cicero Avenue and Roosevelt Road we saw a fire truck with its ladder raised. As we continued driving west on Roosevelt, there were emergency vehicles every quarter of a mile, throughout Oak Park and even Forest Park. We later learned a Chicago firefighter died at Loyola Hospital from a fire last week and the vehicles were lined for the procession to the morgue.