Friday, September 30, 2011

She loves pink

Today at the orthodontist, L chose hot pink and black for the bands around her braces. In recognition of National Breast Cancer Month, her ortho is donating $1 for every patient who chooses pink through the end of October. L made sure she'd have the same colors on for Halloween, and told the hygenist that the colors will match her Halloween costume. Perfect. She also got a rubber bracelet for participating and was able to hang a pink ribbon with her name on it on the office wall.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

National Yearbook Week

I had no idea, but it's National Yearbook Week. Jostens, the yearbook company I've worked with for the last five (?) years sent me this cool coffee mug to celebrate. L was called down to the office ("My heart was beating so fast," she said) and when they handed her the package she was relieved, to say the least.

The box said, "From teacher to journalist, coach to counselor - a successful yearbook adviser wears many hats. To celebrate National Yearbook Week 2011, Jostens tips its hat to yearbook advisers. Thank you for all you do!" Aw ... and they even spelled adviser with an "e" just like AP style says to.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fourth place

E participated in the conference tournament today at Village Green Golf Course in Willowbrook. She was at the school this morning to leave on a 6 a.m. bus with her teammates. It was raining on and off all day, kind of chilly and she had to walk the 18-hole course.

She shot a 124 and the junior varsity team earned fourth place. It was the last regular match of the golf season. Next is regionals, if she's among the girls chosen by the coach to go. E said it's been a great season, a lot of fun and her teammates are awesome. When she got home, she wanted me to rub her ankles ... um, no.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just in time for Halloween

We have a gigantic spider hanging out on our back porch - just in time for Halloween!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Let there be light

Andy's project today was to replace the back porch light with a new, motion-sensored one. We'd been looking at them for a while. When E is out late, I like to leave the porch light on for her. Unfortunately, it never gets turned off. We're hoping the new one will come on when she rounds the corner and go off when she's safely inside.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The day after

B had his friend, I, at the house for a sleepover yesterday. They stayed in the basement playing video games. We told them to go to sleep at midnight. B's been sleeping all afternoon so I don't think he got much sleep last night.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I went to the street one block over tonight to bring L in for dinner. She was at her friend, B's, house, hiding something behind her back. Eventually, she showed me a plastic container with a baby mouse in it. She and her friend were ooing and aaahing over how cute it was (it was kind of cute) and they decided they had to keep it overnight. L wanted to bring it home, but I said mice don't need help getting in these old houses. B's dad found an empty lizard cage to House the mouse overnight.

So how did L catch a mouse? Apparently, it was being chased by a cat from another friend's yard. Somehow, L got a container and it walked right in. B's dad joked that L would be a great contestant on "Survivor." B's block is having a block party tomorrow (she already invited L) and I'm sure the baby mouse is going to be a big hit among the kids. We'll see how long it survives.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

More golf

Today E had a golf meet after school against Downers Grove South at the Downers Grove park district course. The junior varsity team lost by two strokes. E said she lost a lot of balls on the course and that it was a really difficult course. It's kind of funny that the girls get one "school" ball per match. E was able to save one so I could get a pic of it. I'm sure I'll be able to find a place for it on a golf page in her scrapbook.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Pajama Day

It's homecoming week at OPRF and E wore her Huskie sweatpants and a T-shirt for pajama day. She looked pretty comfy.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lion King in 3D

B started his confirmation classes today at church. We bought pizza for the class, which met right after church until 2 p.m. At 2 p.m., L and I went to pick B up. We had all planned to go see the Lion King in 3D, but B said he'd prefer to go home. E was at the driving range with Andy, so L and I headed to the movies by ourselves. I'm not a fan of 3D movies, but I really enjoyed the Lion King. L even clapped at the end.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Family dinner

Today we drove to Westchester to attend Mass at Andy's aunt request. The Mass was at her parish and where Andy's dad's funeral took place. Apparently, she placed a prayer card in for him and the priest mentioned his name so she wanted us there. It was my first Catholic Mass and I was pretty lost. A few observations - I liked how they only sang the first verse of the hymns; there were no bulletins so if you don't know the Mass ritual you're pretty lost; the sermon was short and sweet; and when the hour was up, everyone left, quickly. Now, if our church could keep services to an hour ...

Afterward, Andy's aunt took us (me, Andy, B and L - E was babysitting for a neighbor), Allison, another aunt, and a couple of cousins and their families out to dinner at Nickson's in LaGrange. Service wasn't great and all B would eat was fries (they were out of chicken fingers), but my Texan Brisket Tacos were yummy.

Friday, September 16, 2011

I will come home on time

L was supposed to be home tonight by 7 p.m. She was riding her bike around the neighborhood and lost track of time. When she came home, Andy told her he wanted to write "I will come home on time" 25 times or she wouldn't be going out over the weekend. Surprisingly, she sat down and wrote it (not without a little whining though).

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Golf pic!

E brought home her golf pictures today. They were taken on the football field a day or two after she made the team.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The flute

L's flute arrived at school today and she had her first lesson. She was so excited when she got home that she pulled it out of the case and practiced blowing it. It's harder than it looks. You have to blow across the hole, not into it. Her band teacher suggested she stand in front of a mirror to see how she's blowing. Next week she's going to start using the keys.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

That's the one

L and I did a little shopping this afternoon. She was determined to get a Halloween costume, saying that if she waits too long all the good ones are gone. I have to admit we have had problems in the past finding costumes close to Halloween. The first costume she was set on getting was a pink girl jailbird costume. I managed to talk her out of that one. She ended up with an adorable pink and black witch costume. She had to put it on and go over to show her friends, E and B, when we got home. I wonder what people thought with a witch walking through the neighborhood in September. Course, on Halloween, she wants to wear some makeup and spray her hair pink.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Party crasher

It was a beautiful day - sunny and fall-like. L spent the afternoon and evening riding her bike through the neighborhood, checking in every hour or so.

She came in for the night at 8 p.m., dragging a pinata head and lots of candy and trinkets. "I crashed a party," she said. She went a block farther than where she was supposed to be to go see what was happening at a block party. A woman invited her into the party, saying everyone was invited. After all, we're all neighbors in this world, aren't we? L took her up on her offer, played some games and won the pinata head for being the one to knock the head off the donkey pinata. She had a great time.

Friday, September 9, 2011

You just never know

About two weeks ago, L went over to the block sale on the street behind us - the street where a lot of her neighborhood friends live. She brought back our wagon full of treasures. Everything in the wagon got wet over the weekend so today I told her she needed to pull out of the wagon what she wanted. She said all of it could go. So much for a her "treasures." Any way, when I got to the bottom of the wagon, I found this "heads/tails" coin. I have no idea where she got it, but it made me laugh. You just never know with that girl.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another stray?

L and her friends, E and B, have a talent for finding stray dogs. Today, they were standing on the back porch talking when they see a dog run out of the alley by our house. They make a run for the door and the next thing I know, they have this stinky dog inside the house. I shooed them and the dog outside. They washed it down with a hose and made it a cardboard box house. E and B even ran back to their house to get it some food. The dog didn't have any collar or tags, but it was pretty friendly and well-trained. The girls were able to play fetch with it and were determined that we were going to make "Fluffy" the newest member of our family.

The dog entertained the girls (or should I say kept them busy?) for over an hour. When Andy got home, he opened the gate and out went the dog. It followed E and B to their house where their mom took it over to the animal shelter.

Andy and I didn't have time to wait around and call the police to come get it because we had to head over to the high school to do a run-through of all of E's classes and meet her teachers. First, though, we had to take L over to Grandma's house. B stayed home and E was at a golf meet. E met us at the high school for a ride home after the open house. The golf team lost, but only by a few strokes.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Full house

Every day this week after school, L is bringing the neighbor girls, E and B, home to play until their mom gets home from work. Today they claim they ran out of things to do (even though I suggested drawing with sidewalk chalk, playing a game, watching a movie, etc.) so they decided to start shredding old construction paper. They said they plan to use it in a craft. Maybe that will be tomorrow's project. Today, I have a shredded full of colorful shreds.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Old sign, new home

I picked up this sign when I was at the farm this weekend. It reminds me of Dad, who sold DeKalb seed corn for as long as I can remember. He was always wearing a DeKalb hat and DeKalb jacket. The pencils we used for school were white with green flying corn ears all over them. At least no one could take one of our pencils and pretend it was theirs. Ours were unique. I cleaned the sign off a bit and Andy hung it in the garage. It looks good.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Today was a busy day for the kids. B had his friend, I, over to hang out and after a while, they decided to walk over to their other friend I's house, "kidnap" him and bring him over too. E spent last night at her friend A's house, and they spent most of the day together. L went with her neighborhood friends, E and B, to Build A Bear downtown Chicago and to get pizza. She came home with this adorable pink bunny - like she needs another stuffed animal.

Temperatures barely reached 70 today so it seemed like a good time to have a fire. The kids and their friends enjoyed roasting marshmallows and making s'mores until it got too cold for them to be outside.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


One of B's favorite things about going to the farm is having Grandma make him pancakes in the morning.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Cahokia and a storm shelter

We drove the farm yesterday evening and today Andy and I took E to see Cahokia Mounds. We watched a film about the Indians and walked about the museum. It's a lot more extensive than last time I was there. Then we climbed up to the top of Monk's Mound. It's quite a hike. Here we are at the top:

You can see the St. Louis Arch in this picture of Elaine:

When we got back to Mom's house, Cindy was there. They took B and L to Steak 'n Shake for lunch in Edwardsville. Cindy mentioned that she had a storm shelter installed in her yard and since we had never seen anything like that before, we had to take a field trip to Gillespie to see it. Andy was impressed and said it's a good idea. Course, he's like it even better if it had a a hot tub. Hopefully, she'll never have to use it, but it's there just in case.

I think the kids had the most fun playing Uno Stacker with cousin A. I'm sure they're going to ask him to play again at Christmas. I love the look on B's face, waiting for the tower of blocks to tumble.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Surprise visitor

Andy and I had just finished clearing the dinner plates when the phone rang. B answered and handed it to E. Next thing I heard, she said, "Let me check."

"Can my math teacher come over?" she said.
"Uh, I guess so."

About three minutes later, her math teacher, Mr. G, was standing at our front door. He came inside and we chatted for about 20 or so minutes. (Good thing I vacuumed that afternoon.) Nice guy. Lots, I mean lots, of energy. It was nice to meet him. He said he's been home visits, voluntarily, for years. He also gives students his home and cell phone numbers in case they have any questions with their homework. His goal, he said, is to keep the lines of communication open between the student, their parents and the teacher. His website even asks, "Have you hugged your kid today?" Aw.

Of all her teachers, the ones I have heard the most about are Mr. G and her Japanese teacher.

When E came home from school today, she said, the Spanish class next to her Japanese class was playing music. Her sensei (teacher) said, "You all should have taken Spanish. They have fun in there. In Japanese, we have no fun." Sarcastic, I presume, but the kids got a chuckle out of it.