Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another stray?

L and her friends, E and B, have a talent for finding stray dogs. Today, they were standing on the back porch talking when they see a dog run out of the alley by our house. They make a run for the door and the next thing I know, they have this stinky dog inside the house. I shooed them and the dog outside. They washed it down with a hose and made it a cardboard box house. E and B even ran back to their house to get it some food. The dog didn't have any collar or tags, but it was pretty friendly and well-trained. The girls were able to play fetch with it and were determined that we were going to make "Fluffy" the newest member of our family.

The dog entertained the girls (or should I say kept them busy?) for over an hour. When Andy got home, he opened the gate and out went the dog. It followed E and B to their house where their mom took it over to the animal shelter.

Andy and I didn't have time to wait around and call the police to come get it because we had to head over to the high school to do a run-through of all of E's classes and meet her teachers. First, though, we had to take L over to Grandma's house. B stayed home and E was at a golf meet. E met us at the high school for a ride home after the open house. The golf team lost, but only by a few strokes.

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