Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Out like a lamb

They say March comes in as a lion, out like a lamb. Today was certainly a spring day. Temps reached 76 degrees and it's been sunny all day. L is wearing her shorts, B scooted around the neighborhood and E went over to Irving to fly a kit (and L tagged along, of course). It's a good way to spend spring break.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Little dog walker

L likes when the neighbors go on vacation - they let her walk their dog. It's as close to having her own dog as L is going to get.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Easter eggs

The kids were busy with their friends today so we waited until after dinner to dye Easter eggs. E tried out a new tie-dye kit, B stuck to the traditional dyeing method and L did a little of each.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


E and L decorated the leftover photo holders from Tyler's graduation party. Cindy and Grandma left this morning and the rest of us went to church for Palm Sunday service.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Shopping & decorating

Today we took Cindy and Grandma shopping to buy scrapbooking paper in the school colors of orange and black to decorate photo holders for Tyler's upcoming high school graduation. We also stopped at Kohl's, Target and had Fuddrucker's burgers for lunch (thanks, Mom!). When we got home we decorated the photo holders. E and Grandma painted, Cindy pasted on the decorative paper and I placed pictures of Tyler from birth through his junior year of high school on cardstock and applied the appropriate stickers. Those will adorn the tables at his graduation party this June.

Tonight we rented and watched "Men Who Stare at Goats." Weird movie. I didn't get it.

Friday, March 26, 2010

They're here

L was thrilled today when Aunt Cindy and Grandma arrived. She had been keeping this calendar since sometime in February when she realized they'd be making the trip up here. Every so often, she'd cross off the days until they arrived. At least now I can take it off my living room wall.

Today was also the last day of school before a week of spring break. I chaperoned a field trip with E's class - my first middle school field trip - to the DuSable Museum of African American History. The bus ride was a good chance to talk to one of E's favorite teachers, Mr. V, who teaches science. The museum itself was pretty small and cramped with other school groups. The kids went through the exhibits pretty quickly. My favorite exhibit was the one of the Freedom Sisters, telling biographies of important African American women in history. We could have left the museum an hour earlier than planned, but the buses left and we had to wait for them to return!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Today E stayed after school to try out for the school's marching band. They typically don't march, but the band will be marching in the town's Ethnic Fest Parade in May. I think it's a one-time deal. Anyway, she and a boy showed up at the audition, so she's in. Should be fun.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Wednesday in Lent activity

For the last four weeks our church has been hosting a Bible study/kid activity during Wednesdays in Lent. We haven't been able to go to any of the other events, so we went tonight - the last one.

We brought our own sandwiches and a salad to share, and ate dinner. Then the children stayed in the parlor to make crafts and the adults went into the chapel to discuss the book of Revelations. Seeing how we missed all the previous Wednesdays, neither Andy nor I knew that Revelations was the topic of the night. We hadn't read the book (or any part of it) so we were pretty lost during the discussion. Any way, E and L made pretty mosaic pictures out of foam. B laid on the floor the entire time and played his DS games.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rare moment

I wasn't sure it was possible - all three kids playing together with no fighting. And not just a little bit. They played a story with their Fisher Price Little People for about an hour and a half. It was an odd story. Someone was on trial and there was a judge and jury. It was nice to see them playing together. Course, when I tried to get a picture, B tried to sneak away.

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's done

Andy and I submitted the entire, 40-page Irving yearbook last night. We gave it a good once over, changed a couple of things, made sure the text was lined up and hit submit. The books should arrive in mid-May. I'm already thinking of ways to change it up for next year.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Last night Andy invited the church council over for wine and appetizers - a chance to get together socially and discuss something besides church matters. It was a nice, interesting evening with good friends, good food and good wine. Despite the snow that was falling outside, we set from fresh daffodils out. Trying to urge spring to come a little quicker, I think.

This afternoon I took the girls to see "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." They both thought it was pretty funny. B stayed home to play video games with his friend, L. By time we got home from the movie, Andy was overseeing a group of four boys!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First day of spring?

Today, the first day of spring ...

It's been snowing all day. And below is a picture taken yesterday with temps in the high 50s. What a difference a day makes.

Friday, March 19, 2010

A boy with a heart

B recently learned that he was the third highest fund-raiser for Irving's Jump Rope for Heart. B raised $200, asking everyone he knew and a few strangers to donate to the American Heart Association. He had his eye on some prizes, but he mostly wanted to be among the top fund-raisers in the school. He set a goal and achieved it. Way to go, B!

And here's a coil clay mug B made in art class. He came home from school, filled it with water and was thrilled to discover that it doesn't leak.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

More pretzel art & the Census

B's version of his name, nibbled out of pretzels.

Andy has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our 2010 Census - I'm not sure why. It came earlier this week while he was in Portland on business. I left it on the table for him to complete when he got home. E was pretty excited about filing it out too. I realized when the next Census rolls around, E will be 22 (yikes!), B will be 20 and L will be 17 - a senior in high school. She gets to graduate in the year 2020 - how cool is that?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Irving School hosted the annual Opera for the Young this afternoon. I had to go to take pictures for the yearbook - the last event to be included in the book. Of course, I had to snap a few pics of my kids while I was there, just for fun. Notice they're both wearing green for St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Break out the sandals

B joined his friend L at the playground after school today. The weather was sunny and warm enough that B decided to pull out his new sandals and set his toes free.

Monday, March 15, 2010

It's not that warm

L brought home her friend E from school today and they decided to pack a picnic lunch and eat it in the back yard. They had a grand ole time - sitting in little folding chairs, spreading out the blanket and munching on fruit roll-ups, Cheetos and Capri Sun drinks.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


B couldn't wait to get to GameStop today to pick up his reserved copy of the new Nintendo DS game, Pokemon HeartGold Version. We went after Sunday School, but Andy had the Edge card that had all of the money B was given for games he traded in earlier. I thought the Edge card was just a store card and they could look it up with our phone number. I didn't realize it was more like a gift card. We went home empty-handed, but Andy took him back a while later and B got his gaem.

He also got a Ho-Oh Pokemon figure (not sure what to do with that) and a Pokemon pedometer. Apparently, the more he walks, the happier his Pokemon becomes. B spent most of today playing the new DS game.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Trivial Pursuit

We had friends over this evening for a rousing round of Trivial Pursuit: The '80s Edition. Andy and I lost, but there's always next time. We ordered pizza, drank a little wine and juiced-up lemonade. They even brought kids L and B's age so they had someone to play with, too. E spent the evening away baby-sitting and got home after the "party" was over.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Science Storms

As members of the Museum of Science & Industry, we got a sneak peek at the Science Storms exhibit that opens March 18. The invitation said we'd be able to "Stand inside a tornado and feel the vapor whirling around you. See bolts of lightning crackling above you. Trigger an avalanche. Create a tsunami."

Well, we didn't create a tsunami, but we did see and hear bolts of lightning INSIDE the museum, which was pretty cool. L seemed most entertained by the museum's restrooms. We saw my former editor, his wife and son there, so it was a nice time to catch up, too.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Today's bargain

After volunteering today at the Economy Shop, I shopped a bit and found this cool popsicle maker. I searched all summer for one last year and they're pretty hard to find. This one has a top and popsicle sticks slide through and into the pop. The only problem is wiggling the top off if the sticks don't freeze straight. Still, for $1, I'd say that's a bargain.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

What's this?

E came home from school today singing this llama song. Then B chimed in with his version. Not sure what he's saying, but he seems to think it's pretty funny.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring is near

Temperatures reached over 50 today. It's a little overcast, but spring is near. I saw this robin in the back yard and he turned to look at me when I was taking his picture.

L has a serious case of spring fever. Even thought she was told (repeatedly) to wear long pants to school, she came downstairs dressed in shorts, with a tank top under her long-sleeved T-shirt. I told her to change her pants and she came down with capri pants. Without time for yet another clothing change, she left for school. I hope no one thinks I dress her. She also rode her scooter to school, which she's also been told not to do. She hit a crack in the sidewalk and landed on her face and hands. Spring pictures at school are Friday. Don't think we'll be buying those.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Nice glasses

L took a present she created over the weekend to her teacher today (I'm not sure what it contained - very possibly plastic Easter eggs.) Anyway, her teacher gave her these Pink Panther sunglasses in exchange. What a fashion plate that girl is.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bronze Award

Last summer E worked on earning her Bronze Award, the highest award given to a Junior Girl Scout. The troop members were becoming Cadettes at the end of September 2009, so all the work had to be done by then. E earned her award by working with Oak Park's Animal Care League to promote its "Recycled Cans for Recycles Pets" project.

Today, one of her leaders opened her house to present the girls with their awards and describe what each girl did to earn the award. Afterward we had pop and cake. Congratulations, E

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cookies and a parade

This morning, E and I sold Girl Scout cookies with her troop outside of Dominick's. The girls did pretty well, but we have a lot of cookies left over. I'm hoping we can sell them so they don't cut into the troop proceeds. E and the other girls took turns wearing the Tag-along cookie costume to drum up business.

In the afternoon, we headed over to Forest Park for the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. We stayed for most of it, but the kids got bored and wanted to come home a little early so we never saw the end.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pajama party

Irving celebrated students' good behavior for the second trimester today with a pajama party. I went over to the school to snap a few pictures for the yearbook. L gave me a hug and asked me to take a picture of her and her friend, but it was B who came and sat by me and offered me some of his popcorn. Ten-year-old boys are sweet creatures - for the most part.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gym class

Andy went to Irving today to get pictures of the kids in action. He went around to the various classrooms and took pictures of kids reading, studying, in music, art and gym classes. We'll be putting the best in the yearbook. He snapped a couple of L in her gym class. Looks like she was having fun.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Baby mammoth

Tonight Andy and I went to Chicago's Field Museum for a special members' preview of the new "Mammoths and Mastodons: Titans of the Ice Age" temporary exhibit. The baby mammoth, Lyuba, was the highlight. It's always a nice date night at the Field Museum with free drinks and free food - little muffalata sandwiches, turkey and cranberry rollups, chickden skewers, veggies and spinach dip. And, of course, a dessert table with deliciuos mini cupcakes. We met up with a couple from church and had a lively conversation while we waited for a 3-D movie about Egypt to begin. The kids would probably enjoy the mastodon exhibit. It will be at the Field museum though Sept. 6.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

B at the Dunes

Some pictures a parent took on B's recent fifth-grade field trip.

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March

It's the first day of March. That means spring is right around the corner (hopefully!). The kids were home today for Casimir Pulaski Day. B had friends over to play video games, E was at her friend A's house and L and I spent the day playing games, watching TV and making a sign for Saturday's Girl Scout cookie sale. L did a great job of drawing the individual cookies on her sign.