Tuesday, August 31, 2021

For the Enclave

Andy put his new U of I dad sticker on the window of his Enclave ...
and was finally able to mount his iPass on the windshield. We've been trying for months to get the Velcro stickers from the state (their offices in the oases are closed because of Covid) so I recently emailed them and they sent some to us.

Bumper crop

My cherry tomatoes started ripening over a month ago and are still going strong. I'll have to search out some recipes so I can use them all.

Monday, August 30, 2021

First ‘real’ class

L said this is her first in-person college class ever. I said, I thought you had an in-person class last semester? She said yeah, but this is her first "real" in-person class - whatever that mean.

Shopping at UIUC

L was at the university bookstore the other day and was sending me pictures of all sorts of cute things she found. Not sure what Disney has to do with Illinois, but these are perfect for L.
And this. She said she's never loved a hoodie more. Ha! If she didn't buy this I'm sure she will at some point this semester.
She knows Andy would love this U of I Tommy Bahama shirt. And if you buy it for $145 you get a free beach towel. For that price they could toss in two towels.
This is cute but I already have a U of I sticker on my car.
She found, and bought, this for $7 at an antique store. She says it won't be on her driver's window when she's driving. I said he needs to be moved to the backseat. It is cute. Good to see one of our Illini has a bit of school spirit.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Music and BBQ

Andy and I met our friend, L, at Fitzgerald's yesterday afternoon to hear Rachel Drew perform. We've seen her several times at concerts in L's back yard.
I had a BBQ pork sandwich; Andy got ribs. Lots of music, drinks, food and conversation. An added bonus, our church friend K stopped by and spontaneously joined us. And Revolution Brewing was giving out free samples and swag. I got a lip balm and sunscreen. Andy got sunglasses and a can koozie.

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Golf pals’ outing

Andy and his golfing buddies went to the South Side for the Cubs vs. Sox game last night. They were supposed to meet up with a former player who moved to Florida but he had to cancel. However, the party must go on!
They tailgated in the parking lot and cooked brats and burgers. Such a hot day (at least 90 degrees) to be grilling out.
Nice seats.
The whole gang. Sox won 17-13. That was a high-scoring game.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Thursday, August 26, 2021

My new ‘old’ crockpot

Ever since my old crockpot broke I've found the new one we replaced it with cooks too hot, boiling food even on the low setting. (I later realized I could have bought a replacement knob and kept the old crockpot. Live and learn.) Anyway, I found this old, but looks brand new, crockpot at Goodwill. I hope it cooks slowly like my old one.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Phone success

The kids recently switched their phone service to T-mobile so B and I went out last night to get him set up and get a new phone. The first store we went to was closed and had moved a block away. We went to the new store that didn't have the phone he wanted. The mall has three (really!?!!) T-mobile stores so we went there. First one couldn't help us. Again, they didn't have the phone he wanted. The second suggested we go to the store where the account was opened - that would be in Washington. The third store was anle to do it all. What an ordeal.
I had lots of time to look around the store. How cool is this phone? The screen folds.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

New hiding spot

August has been sleeping in some odd places. Here he ison a dining room chaor partially covered with the tablecloth.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Council installation

Andy was installed yesrerday as a new member of the Church Council. He agreed to be chair of the Stewrdship and Finance Committee so that automatically makes him the liaison to the council.
B went to church with us but was babysitting in the nursery. I was given a Cutie on the way out, left over from our children's moment.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Party, party

Andy and I went to two parties yesterday. Kind of like our college days lol. The first was a housewarming party for our pastor's family. They moved in a while ago but Covid kept pushing their open house back. We were all laughing because the tag that came with the plant just described it as "tropical."
The second party was for our friends', T and B, 60th birthdays. Their daughters threw them a throwback 1960s party. Here we are dressed as a mid-1960s couple, we think.
The party was in the city at Park & Field and Andy got to visit with his Saturday morning golfing buddies. The venue was interesting and eclectic but it took forever to get drinks delivered. The picture on the venue's homepage is the room where the party was held.
Chatting with a church friend, C.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

B’s album

I have B's album updated through his college graduation.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Late night at UIUC

Woke up to find this picture L sent from UIUC.
This was the one welcome event she didn't want to miss - a free concert by Ava Max ("Sweet but Psycho", "Kings & Queens"). I saw pictures the university posted that she was wearing an Illinois shirt, as were her backup dancers.

It’s blooming

My big sunflowers in the parkway are almost blooming. I took this picture Thursday.
And this morning it's blooming!

Thursday, August 19, 2021

Napping partner

Whenever I try to nap on the couch Muffles climbs on my chest and snuggles up to my face after giving me a few (pretty hard) head butts.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Settling in

L went back to college and I reorganized her room. Her rule was that I couldn't throw things out. My rule was that she can't ask me where I stashed anything. If you want to know where your stuff is you have to put it away yourself. Interestingly, I did the same thing last August after she left. I'm sensing a pattern.
L was not happy with the school's food service last year. They cut way back on the entrees because of Covid and students had to take all their meals to-go. She sent this picture of her lunch Monday and said the dining hall - the same one she used last year - "is amazing."

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


My Wandering Jew is growing fast. It's parts of this plant that I thought was a goner in May. (Planting the bottoms of used green onions was E's idea. It keeps me from buying them in the store.)
I found a hanging planter the other day and moved some of the plants to it. I'll leave it outside for awhile and hope it keeps growing. I still have more to transplant.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Trip tidbits

Andy's picture of L's dorm is mich more artistic than the one I posted yesterday.
After moving stuff to L's room we ate at Texas Roadhouse. I would say B came along for lunch but he also met up with a friend while we were there. Oh, yeah, and he wanted to help move L in.
Remember all the "welcome" decorations they had when L moved into Snyder Hall last year? I guess sophomores only get a few balloons and streamers.
Good to see the person by Kankakee has updated the Trump sign. It now says, "Trump won - Save America." Oy.
Andy was very excited to see his odometer hit 2,222 on the drive home.
My sleepy boy not interested in road construction or cornfields.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Back to college for L

Move-in day! She paid extra to move in early. Worth every penny.
L s on the fourth floor of Bousfield Hall this year. Close to where she was last year but this dorm is newer.
She's in a suite where each girl has a single room ...
and they share this living area, a bathroom and shower.
B checked out the bathroom. The sinks separate the toilet side from the shower side.
View from her room of Memorial Stadium.
Andy earned Father of the Year by climbing on furniture to hang her LED lights.
They stretch all the way around her room and even go into her closet.
This is the first-floor lounge. There are lots of similar spaces throughout the building. The dorm is exclusively for sophomores.
L and I drove down in the Verano, which she's keeping at school. Andy brought B along in his car.
Couldn't leave home without hugging the cats.