Sunday, March 31, 2019

Search committee

Andy was commissioned today as a member of our church's Pastoral Search Committee. He was on the last search committee and wasn't planning on doing it again, but we talked it over and he agreed to accept the nomination. There are 12 members with one alternate. Hopefully, it will be a short search. I think the last one was a long, three years. Above, our interim minister gives him a UCC comma pin as appreciation of the journey he's about to embark on. Below, the deacons and congregations give their support. Let the search begin!

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Friday, March 29, 2019

And ISU!

L was scheduled for the 1 p.m. tour at ISU today so we spent the morning doing a little shopping and filled the tank with gas. I know, pretty exciting stuff. Course, L is always good for a laugh!

The welcome session was held in the new(ish) State Farm Building that houses the business department.

Looks like we're getting free lunches!

Here we are - back on campus! We were a little disappointed they didn't take us into the newly renovated Student Center. We stopped by on our own and checked it out before we left though.

We took a tour of a dorm room in Watterson. L was surprised at how much bigger it was than the ones E and B have had at U of I. After the housing tour, we decided to use our meal vouchers for a late lunch. The dining hall is completely different than it was when Andy and I were there.

I had a couple of pizza slices and L found a cheeseburger with curly fries.

Andy got a burrito, curly fries and lots of pickles! Once a student enters the dining hall, it's all you can eat and they have lots of stations for different foods. They even let you go in and carry food out. Didn't have that when we were there.

L gives the burger a thumbs up.

Andy couldn't leave without getting this hat with the '80s Redbird on it. And, yes, we stopped by Avanti's and grabbed a gondola to split for dinner.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

First up: U of I

We were up bright and early and got L to campus by 8:30 a.m. We immediately were sent out on a tour of the campus.

After various information sessions and talking to reps from the various colleges L might be interested in, we waited for E to get done with class so we could take her to lunch. (Not going to miss a free meal, I suppose. B didn't have classes today, but passed on lunch.) Here's L sitting on the Alma Mater statue.

We ended up at Steak 'n Shake for lunch. We thought the university was going to give us lunch but they told us we could eat for $9 in one of the dining halls, or go to Green Street and find something on our own.

We dropped E back at the Engineering Quad and walked around some more. We talked with a woman from one of the colleges who suggetsted we check out the student-run cafe since L has an interest in hospitality/food management. We walked right past it (OK, I said, I bet it's the window with the big paper chef in it, but Andy and L kept walking. We eventually circled around past this biology building and found it. Don't want to say I told you so, but ...).

L getting a drink in the self-pay student-run restaurant.

L drove us most of the way from Champaign to Normal for tomorrow's tour at Illinois State.

This DeKalb corn facility was the most interesting thing I found on the drive.

Yay, Normal!

Our old apartment buildings are still there - mine on the left, Andy's on the right.

We did a little shopping in downtown Normal. It's changed a lot since Andy and I were there 30 (!) years ago.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

L's turn: College tours

Andy came home from work early today and we drove to Champaign where L has a college tour scheduled for tomorrow. We picked up B from his dorm and E by the Union and took them to Cracker Barrel for dinner.

Me and my boy.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Wardrobe malfunction

Not sure why I found this so amusing. It did make the Target run a little more interesting.

Monday, March 25, 2019

It's a cat

This was one of E's craft projects while she was home on spring break last week. It's a crocheted cat ... with a really big head and one back leg. She gets an "A" for effort.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Back to campus

They look happy to be leaving.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Doing their own thing

Everyone had their own plans today. Andy and E went golfing.

B got up and we went to get his hair cut. Also stopped at Kohl's to buy him a pair of sandals.

I even bought him lunch. I took this picture at a stoplight and he was chastising me for being on my phone. He's quite the rule-follower.

L went downtown with two friends Thursday night to get these badges for the C2E2 event at McCormick Place. One of her friends, a senior, drove (!) in rush hour (!) to get the tickets. She didn't tell me they went down there until she was back home. She didn't want me to worry. Yikes.

L tried on the Totoro dress Aunt Allison made her a couple of years ago and though she got it on, the top was pretty tight. E came to the rescue and added material on both sides.

Here she is all dressed up and ready for the day at C2E2.

L with her friends, M and B, at C2E2. Andy drove them to McCormick Place before his golf game this morning, but they took the El home.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Muffles likes spring break

Muffles has been enjoying having the kids home for spring break.

He especially likes sitting on E's computer bag (that she's left on the living room floor all week). He'll be sad when they leave Sunday.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Spring spruce-up and B

Before E fell asleep Saturday, she went with Andy and me to At Home where we picked out a chiminea for the back yard. Our metal fire pit had rusted through so it was time to try something new.

We also got a new planter for my Chickens and Hens. Several of our planters cracked over the winter.

And in case you've been wondering what B has been doing over his spring break, he's been sleeping ... a lot.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

E at "Hamilton'

E has been wanting to see "Hamilton" since it came to Chicago. Today was her day!

E and Aunt Allison waiting for the show to begin. E has the soundtrack and knew all of the songs long before seeing the show. They both said it was good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Purple hair

E went to a salon and had her hair dyed purple over winter break but it was really expensive and didn't last. Today, she bought a $10 dye kit at Target and asked me to give it a try.

Turns out pretty well. Hope it lasts.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Attention seeker

Cats like to ignore their humans but they don't like their humans to ignore them.

Sunday, March 17, 2019

We have pickles

Andy went out to the indoor driving range, the Dome, yesterday monring, got my car tested for emissions and then went to Costco to get me some gas. (What a guy!) He's still mourning the close-out of his favorite pickles at our Costco, but he was at a different Costco and look what he found! And they're not even marked for close-out! We figured if one store stopped carrying them, they all would. Guess not. I told him to stock up.

He bought eight jars! That should last him at least a week, maybe two. I hope.

And I made green cupcakes for St. Patrick's Day.

L drove to the grocery store and got some Green River soda. St. Patrick's Day is complete.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Spring break

E and B made it home safely this moring to start their week of spring break. I'm not sure what their plans are for the week, but first things first ...

... time to catch up on their sleep. E was ready to drive home yesterday but B wanted to hang out with his friends on campus. She said he got to sleep about 3:30 a.m. No wonder he's tired.