Sunday, October 31, 2021


L was up early enough to come to church with us. She got lots of hugs and was able to see her friend, R. She sat in the parlor during church though.
After church was our second annual trunk or treat. Andy and I were a '50s couple. Yes, I was cold. The sun never came out. I think last year was a little warmer.
I was able to get a pic of L and her friend, R, without their masks on. Didn't even realize it when I took the earlier picture.
L was an abstract Mickey Mouse. She wore her graduation ears.
Our friends at the car next to us were a '50s couple too. Pretty funny.
It was a busy afternoon. One woman said 200 kids came through. I wasn't counting but we were busy for the hour and a half we were out there.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Frosted doughnuts

Andy made the doughnut frosting last night for today's farmers market.
Sales were brisk all morning but he managed to bring home three of each doughnut.
He came home and went to sleep while I took L and her friend, N, to Yorktown for some shopping.

Friday, October 29, 2021

She’s home

L is home for the weekend. Came home for about a half hour then left with her friend, M, to go to dinner and a movie.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Back at the Field

Andy and I were back at the Field Museum tonight for the opening of its Wild Color event. Seeing a new exhibit at the Field was our last outing before the pandemic shut the world down. Lots of cheese and fruit before the presentation.
The presenters talked about the various colors found in nature and how they're mimicked in fashion.
We were surprised to be funneled upstairs for dinner.
The exhibit had a different area for each color.
This was the blue area.
They even had an albino area with these squirrels from southern Illinois. From my years living in Effingham, I know they're seen all over Olney.
We were pleasantly surprised to be invited to the event since we've let our membership lapse during the pandemic. Guess they'd like us to renew. We plan to eventually.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Frosting supplies

Andy was too busy to shop at Costco for the supplies (16 pounds of butter, a huge jar of cinnamon, four bags of cocoa, eight 7-pound bags of powdered sugar, vanilla, milk and apple cider)he needs to make frosted doughnuts this weekend so I went. I didn't pay attention to the total. It was high but the church will reimburse us. Nice that B works from home and was able to help me schlep it all into the house.

Humongous cookies

I was cleaning out the freezer and came aceoss two packages of frozen cookie dough L brought home from Spilt Milk. She hasn't worked there since summer of 2020 so I thought it was time to bake the dough. Don't tell L. The directions said no more than six cookies to a sheet. I baked all six and they ran together into two huge cookies. They still tasted ok though.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

E’s a busy bee

E sewed these beautiful reusable shopping bags for me! It's a set of four.
The inside has a contrasting fabric. They're almost too pretty to use. I think they're washable too.
Guess I need to find a place to put them away and keep them from August.
And she crocheted these scrubbies with some special stiff yarn. I'm supposed to use them when I wash dishes instead of an SOS pad.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Back home

We walked to the restaurant next door to the hotel for breakfast this morning. Dark and cloudy at 6:40 a.m.
Even the stuffed animals wear masks in Washington. It's a Seattle Seahawks mask too.
Much better than the bagels and make-your-own waffles at the hotel.
Our ride to the airport.
It was rainy on and off all weekend. They had wind warnings yesterday and today and several schools were closed today because the power was out. Winds were gusting to about 40 mph which didn't seem too strong to us. Apparently the Chicago power grid is a lot stronger than what's in the Seattle area. We did see the sun once we were on the plane to go home.
Pretty sunset as we were coming into Chicago.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sunday in Seattle

Today E and D took us to Woodinville where we stopped at a wine tasting.
We stopped by an open house at a two-bedroom condo.
Then we spent time at E and D's apartment.
E bought a new bed for Azula and was trying to get her used to it.
We had a Costco chicken potpie and salad for dinner at E's apartment. She even bought chocolate cookies for dessert. This is a bad picture but proof I was there this weekend lol.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Saturday in Seattle

D drove us to downtown Seattle where we walked aroumd Pike Place Market.
This is my artsy shot of the market.
Then we went to the University of Washingon campus. Andy wanted a sweatshirt but all we could find were hoodies, and only smalls and extra smalls.
We did find a leaf the size of E's head!
They took us to Dick's for burgers at lunch.
Then they drove us to a brewery/cider place in south Seattle. We were all over the city.
For dinner we were in Bellevue. We saw this fabulous Chihuly sculpture while waiting for our table at Cactus to be ready.
At dinner. Can't tell in this photo but E is wearing her Seattle Kraken shirt. The Kraken played their first ever home game tonight and lost to Vancouver 4-2.

Friday, October 22, 2021

To Seattle

Andy and I were up early this morning to go to Midway and fly to Seattle. I just happened to look out the window to see a mountain above the clouds.
I wasn't expecting the trees to be so colorful. It doesn't look like this in Chicago. E picked us up at the airport and we went to lunch.
We stopped by E's apartment and saw D's computer set-up. Pretty impressive with three screens, one which is vertical so he can see more code as he's working.
And here's Azula.
We let D finish working and Andy, E and I went walking around Redmond Town Center. I couldn't resist taking a picture in this Halloween serting. After I posted this picture on Facebook one of my friends said they're confusing holidays. I guess so with Halloween Christmas trees.
We got D and went for drinks and dinner in nearby Kirkland.
They're kimd of cute.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Bad squirrel

I caught a squirrel gnawing on my pumpkin. It almost made it a month without a bite. I sprayed it with some hairspray. Maybe that will keep the squirrels away.