Friday, July 19, 2013

Mexico night

Tonight was the finale of Bible School with "travel" to Mexico. L, who just had to bring something for snack, made chocolate sandwich cookies filled with dulce de leche. The dulce de leche, which you can make yourself but we bought canned, was delicious! I could eat it straight out of the can. Here's L at the snack table serving her sandwich cookies:

Tonight was also family night at Bible School so L brought all of us along and her neighborhood friend, M. They had a good time eating ice cream, hitting a pinata and playing drums on the church's front lawn (M is the blond in the middle of that picture).

This was B before we left for church:

He had his last day of summer school today, then came home and went out in 90-plus degree heat to buy his friend, IR, a gift card for his birthday. He then delivered it to his house, came home and went to sleep. Who sleeps in a position like that? But then he gets to church and swings at the pinata so hard he knocked it off the rope, starting a massive candy-grab by all the other kids.

So, Bible School is over and L leaves with a few worldly souvenirs:

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