Saturday, July 20, 2013

E's home

We went to U of I today to pick E up from the engineering camp. Above she's standing over a creek that runs through the university's engineering quad.

This is the rocket she built. She won second place in the rocket launch with her rocket traveling 802 feet into the air. She got a book about space facts as her prize.

The highlight was going up in a little plane with the "hot pilot." Here's the view she saw of the campus from the air:

Here she is with a few girls from camp, also taken at the airport.

She also built a glider and experienced a huge wind tunnel. They also had time for some bowling, playing a ninja game, hanging out in the restaurants near campus and performing their version of "I'll Make a Man Out of You" (from "Mulan") for the camp-wide talent show. Here they are practicing for the talent show in their camp T-shirts:

Here she's trying to pick up a golf ball without using her fingers:

And this was after the closing ceremony. A few girls from the aerospace camp went down to talk to their fearless leader, Doctor Professor Uncle Baby Teddy Bear Brian. (The girls came up with that themselves, of course.) He recently earned his doctorate in aerospace engineering and is a professional pinball player. Really. He even showed off his skills to the girls at bowling. E played him and lost - 1 billion to 199 million.

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