Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Last golf tourney

E has a busy, busy summer with her recent trip to Washington, D.C., a family vacation to Door County and her upcoming week at University of Illinois' Engineering Camp and a week in Canada with the church's youth group - not to mention working a few days at Andy's office - so today was her last IJGA golf tournament of the summer. This one was at the Old Orchard Country Club in Mount Prospect. She shot a 106 which she wasn't happy about, but that was significantly better than the 120 her playing partner finished with. Just as they finished the 18th hole, the horn sounded because of lightning in the area to have all players leave the course. E squeaked out of that delay, but did sit through a half-hour delay in the morning.

E was waiting to turn in her scorecard and told L to pull her golf bag out of the rain. "I'm your sister, not your caddy," L said. A boy standing nearby said, "Well, that's sort of the same thing." That was my laugh for the day.

Because Mount Prospect is near Wheeling/Buffalo Grove/Arlington Heights, where I used to work, I was familiar enough to find some excellent shopping for L and me to occupy our time while E was on the course. We had a fun time, spent my birthday money and had lunch at Steak 'n' Shake (don't tell B!)

We waited at the golf course for about an hour for E to finish. L and I each bought a Coke and she had to have a bag of Doritos. Then she spotted a food ticket. Each player is given a food ticket when they register and it's good for their lunch, typically a hotdog and soda, sometimes chips too. L waited about 10 minutes to see if anyone came to find the ticket before she picked it up and took it to the food stand, getting herself a hotdog and another soda. Some of the players never use their food ticket so we were hoping that was the case this time. The hotdog was delicious.

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