Friday, March 27, 2020

Precious memories

Since I finished filling E's current photo album the other day, I've moved on to her childhood album that she created. It had several empty pages left. But how cute is this layout? This was our trip to Hershey, Pa., with a stop in Gettysburg, back in 2005.

And I love this. She wrote in cursive, which she never does now, and look at the spellings. She was joking with me the other day that her spelling has not improved. Unfortunately, that's true.

And she made this layout of a Door County, Wis., trip in 2007. It has one of my favorite photos of E and L on it - the one where E is trying to make L smile.

This is one of the pages I created today for her. See what I did with the colors? They mimic the Microsoft logo. So fancy.

Andy and L went to Taco Bell for a carry-out lunch. I had already eaten lunch.

I was so bored today I straightened out my closet, put most of my long dresses in B's closet and arranged my (too many?) purses. I folded three baskets of L's clothes she had sitting in the basement, clean at least. Then I noticed how dirty the washing machine and dryer were so I cleaned those off with Clorox wipes. I even washed the curtain. What is happening to me? The laundry area still needs some straightening up but I'll save that for another day.

Andy and I went on a short walk around the neighborhood last night and saw two hawks (Cooper's hawks?) swoop down by us and then sit in a tree. Andy thinks they were eating a mouse. You don't see that every day.

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