Sunday, September 1, 2024

Truman Little White House

Our Sunday morning activity was touring the Truman Little White House.
We had some to time to kill before the tour. Here's Andy and Harry.
And then a guy asked if I wanted a picture with both of us in it by this cardboard cut-out. Um, OK. I think this is the first picture of me on this trip.
Andy's wondering where the limo is.
This is the south porch area that includes Truman's poker table at one end ...
and a bar at the other end.
The dining room.
The house is on a former Naval base hence the anchor candleholders.
Another bedroom. This room had a framed Chicago Tribune with the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" headline. The guide said it's probably the most valuable thing in the house. He said the typesetters were on strike at the time and if you look closely, one paragraph on the front page is upside down. Sure enough. The glass made it too hard to get a decent picture.
Truman's bedroom.
The desk in his bedroom. Neat stationery and donkey.
One of the actual shirts Truman wore, and later donated to the museum by his grandson, is under glass in the closet.
Living room.
His desk in the living room.
This was in the gift shop. Truman was a Democrat but I guess they don't want to deter Republicans from buying a cutting board.
So many Truman souvenirs.
We walked from our hotel and it was pretty far. My feet were not happy. Andy ended up driving back to get the car and picking me up. Then it was pool time.

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