Monday, September 9, 2024

Celebrating the preschool

As part of the church's 150th anniversary, we celebrated the preschool yesterday. The teachers and staff did a fantastic job putting so many class pictures and artifacts on display.
This was the logo when our kids were in preschool. We had bags, T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats with the logo on them. The school sold spirit wear every year as a fundraiser.
Of course we looked for pictures of the kids' classes. We found this one of B's 3-year-old class first.
Then we found E ...
and finally L.
They even had the Covid-year pictures when I was a teacher's assistant.
We managed to gather everyone in the parking lot, get them in the shape of a 150 and have drone pictures taken. I'm excited to see the finished product. This was my balcony view of people in the parlor after the picture, looking at the displays.
Updated to add the aerial photo we took that day, framed and ready for the soiree!
The preschool rooms were open too and they look great. This was, and is, the 3-year-olds' room.

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