Wednesday, May 22, 2024

We’re helpers

A woman at church popped her lung (I didn't even know that could happen) and she can't lift anything for three weeks. She asked for meals to be made for her family of five so I took two nights. First night I made tortellini tomato basil soup and sent along a salad and sprinkle cookies. She was actually out of the house for a dentist appointment so she swung by and I took it out to her car.
The next night I made mini-meatloaves. I was going to make green beans but she had some left over from a previous meal so she said not to bother. I made extra so B could try them (he ate one while I was delivering the food and had the other two for dinner) and he said they were better than my usual meatloaf that I make in the crockpot ... and B is the one who gave me that crockpot recipe. Hmmm. (She dropped off my plate and told me she didn't get any meatloaf because her boys ate it all before she had the chance. At least they liked it).
And we fed our neighbors' two cats while they were on a trip to New York. This is Frankie and he was scared of us and still is. This is as close as he'd get to us but he was hungry. Their other cat, Olive, demanded to be petted.
And they brought over a thank-you gift - which they didn't have to do - wine and two New York shot glasses.

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