Thursday, May 9, 2024

Adventures in cat-sitting

L and her friend flew to Florida Tuesday morning and a few hours I find Houdini on the stairs, trying to make his escape. Then I tied yard to her bedroom door and to a full clothesbasket and pulled it tight so the door couldn't be open. Wrong. Found Vader in our bedroom that afternoon and Houdini was on my dresser with my deodorant, body mist and some earrings on the floor.
L gives her cats an afternoon soup treat and I put the wrapper in the bathroom trash only to have August find it and bring it downstairs.
And he's back in our room. Definitely need to find a better way to keep them in L's room.
Andy and I were sitting in the living room for about an hour when I saw Houdini walk by on the back porch. Not sure how he got downstairs without us seeing him but he did. His name suits him.
This is Vader. He would rather I pet him than eat. We now have yarn wrapped around a Command hook near the bathroom door that seems to be keeping them in the room. And we're feeding the neighbor's cats, Franky and Olive, while they're away for a few days.
This is the view of our back door when the neighbor's cats are in their cat tree. Usually it's Franky's perch and he's there when I'm walking in or out our back door.

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