Friday, May 31, 2024

My girls and hostas

L texted us on Wednesday that she couldn't find her front license plate. The car she has was last registered in Michigan where they don't have front plates so the car was purchased without a front plate bracket. She had her plate in the front windshield but it was rattling too much so she tossed it in the backseat. She drove home that night with her friend T to start going through the things in her room. On Thursday, they were in the drive-through at Dunkin' when she looked over to ask T what he wanted to order and she saw her license plate behind the visor. At least the plate has been found. She's back in Champaign and will be going to the dealership today to get that front plate bracket installed.
This pic made me laugh. Could E look more miserable? She had just finished golfing with the work team on the rain. She called it "post-round hair."
Nothing to do with the girls but Allison and I went to a house last night and dug up some hostas and ferns they were offered on FB for free. It's nice that people do that instead of just tossing plants they no longer want.
I transplanted them by our air conditioner in four clumps (the middle clump has two plants) I could have split the big one more but I think I'll do that next spring if it survives that long.

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