Sunday, May 26, 2024

Cicadas are here!

Still haven't seen many cicadas at our house but Allison and I went to some yard sales Saturday morning and they were everywhere.

Here's one moving up a tree. They're not good at flying and landed on my arm and foot. A lot of them were squished on sidewalks or flipped over on their backs. I guess people like to step on them and birds like to eat them. It's rough being a cicada. There's a constant humming which, I believe, is supposed to last into July.
A friend took this picture of the 150th anniversary tree at church. We were debating whether it needed to be covered and decided it's better to do it and not need it than not do it and have the young tree die. Looks like we made the right decision!
At home, I found a couple of cicada shells on our parkway trees.
This guy was on our plants. We don't hear any sounds ... yet.

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