Thursday, May 30, 2024

Field trip debut

We had three third-grade classes come through the museum and my director said I should observe how he does the primary-source exercise so that I could do it too. What?!? I did it three times and it went ok with him jumping in at times with more info but the last group I had was a bit rowdy. Their adult chaperone wasn't even in the room, but it was near the end of the school day, near the end of the field trip so maybe that was why they were distracted? Overall, it was fine.
These are two of the pictures we show to the students to see what they can identify to try to figure out when, where and why the photo was taken and what they can surmise from it.
A little research and I found the wading pool picture in an 1927 local newspaper.
The kids enjoy this picture of a slide. It's so tall and dangerous, they say. Exactly.

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