Saturday, July 6, 2024

My b-day

I considered buying this, but didn't want to store it just to use it once a year. It is funny though.
My gift from Andy. He ordered it and we picked it up at the mall last weekend. I had sent him a link a while ago because I thought the color, Dark Stone, was interesting and different. Good thing I went with him because he accidentally bought it in a brown, which was pretty, but close to a purse I already have.
I was telling E about how easily my nail polish chips and she said I should try "dip" polish that she's been using. I suggested she buy it for my b-day because I wouldn't buy it for myself ... and she did. Now to read through all of the instructions, watch some YouTube videos and see if I can figure out how to use all these supplies. Blue polish, though? She said, it is my favorite color. True. We'll see how that goes.
I got home a little early yesterday because I had worked on my "off" day to create a LEGO flyer and walked in to find B frosting a birthday cake he baked for me (under August's supervision, apparently).
My Aunt Lorene has never failed to send a birthday card ... and surprisingly she usually makes it arrive on my actual birthday.
Instead of going out for my birthday dinner (we both have Saturday donut shifts) we ordered a pizza from Milly's, a new restaurant in Berwyn, and brought it home. It is advertised as a cross between deep dish and Detroit style. The pizzas on their menu are a bit too weird for me so I ordered a "You do You" with sausage all over and half pepperoni. It tasted like a Pizza Hut pan pizza with the spongy crust. Too much sauce and not enough sausage but the pepperoni was decent. I doubt we'll be ordering again.

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