Friday, July 19, 2024

L is on the move

This is one pile of things L is taking to Florida ...
and here's another. Plus some furniture Andy had to get out of our garage and Allison's storage unit.
Andy picked up the moving truck Thursday. I think it's 15-feet long and he got that instead of the 12-foot because it cost less. Of course, they didn't have the car hitch he reserved so he had to go to Romeoville to get that.
B works from home so he got to help Andy load the truck. I had moved all of L's things from her room and the basement to the main floor, so that was my contribution. I also fixed a bag of snacks, packed cooler with soda and bought a case of water for the trip.
After getting the hitch for her friend T's car, Andy drove to Champaign where L helped him load the things from her apartment and they went to T's house to get his things. Today, they start the journey to Florida, hoping to spend the night near Atlanta. L said she's excited and scared, totally normal. She's also concerned about the drive but she's been fine on the Tri-State so she's got this. And T will be her co-pilot so hopefully they'll be paying attention.
I cleaned her room Monday. She did a good job of sorting so I just had to put a few things away and vaccuum.
She left E's room messier. This is the before ...
and the after.

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