Monday, July 1, 2024

Arby’s glasses and a crash

Allison and I went to yard sales last weekend and I found this box of water glasses that Arby's sold in the 1990s. I have the wine goblets and recently bought a few of the matching water glasses at a thrift store. At home, I counted 15 glasses in the box. All for $10.
Many were still wrapped in the Arby's bags. I don't think they were ever used.
After yard sales, we went to Woodfield to pick up some things L had ordered. On the way home a woman ran off the expressway right in front of us, hit a light pole that came crashing down in front of us and, miraculously, did not land on Allison's car.
Allison stooped, comforted the woman and cleared debris from the road. I called the state police who took 20 minutes to arrive. Apparently the driver thought someone was coming into her lane so she swerved, overcorrected, ran off the road and hit the pole. The guy who swerved into her lane stopped too and told police someone was coming into his lane, causing the chain reaction. That driver kept going so we'll never know. Scary.

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