Sunday, July 14, 2024

Anniversary blueberry donuts

Our church's July anniversary activity was to make and sell special blueberry donuts at the Farmers Market yesterday. We started advertising them about three weeks ago and people asked every week if we had the blueberry donuts. (Apparently a lot of people can see the blueberries on the sign but can't take time to read the date, July 13). Andy and I spent a few nights in front of the TV marking donut bags last week.
My shift started yesterday at 6:30 a.m. but I got there early to decorate with old donut shirts and to take pictures.
Andy was there even earlier mixing donuts. He looks so happy.
The inside operation.
My friend Joycelin being silly as she sugared donuts.
My friend Maureen and I were the people who handed out donuts to customers.
We had bags marked B for blueberry sugared donuts and bags marked BO for blueberry plain donuts. When the bags Andy and I had labeled were used up, the inside crew got a little confused when they marked more bags.
Busy, hot day.
We sold out of the blueberry sugar donuts by the time my shift ended at 9:30 a.m. and just had a few blueberry plain left. Of course, we had the usual plain, cinnamon sugar and powdered sugar ones too. These are from a bag of blueberry sugar ones I brought home, Quite tasty.
My photo pages for the church's anniversary binder.

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