Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Holocaust Museum

I saw that the Holocaust Museum in Skokie had a few free days scheduled this summer so Allison and I and L drove up there Monday morning. My teacher friend in Pekin has visted several times on field trips but we're relatively close and it was a first visit for all of us. Such an industrial-looking building.
Fountain of the Righteous on the way into the museum.
I really wanted to see this "Kindertransport" exhibit about how Jewish children were sent out of Germany, away from their families, to survive the war.
Pretty interesting with all of the artifacts.
This woman is actually a hologram who spoke about her experience in a concentration camp. She was part of the camp's orchestra and could intereact when the audience asked questions.
This was the main part of the museum that told the story of the Holocust.
So much to read as we wandered through the exhibit.
This was their Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) display. This temple is burned out, glass is broken and the floor looks like broken glass.
A real box car from Germany that transported Jews. L said it felt emotionally "heavy" inside and she got sad going in.
A prisoner's uniform.
More Nazi artifacts.
Many Jews who came to the Chicago area settled in Skokie, where the museum is.
Shopping in Skokie after the museum.

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