Sunday, June 16, 2024

Busy Saturday

I got to church to be a donut server around 6 a.m. Saturday. By then, Andy had been there since 2 a.m., tested blueberry donts and captained the first donut shift, the headed off to golf. I was handed all of these signs and had no idea where to put them.
Andy put this poster in a frame and I found an easel and set it outside. So many peole asked us for blueberry donuts that my co-worker eventually said, is the date on the poster? Um, yeah. Apparently people can't read, or don't read.
I brought home some powdered sugar donuts for breakfast and August tasted it. He wasn't a fan (and this donut got tossed.)
When Andy got home from golf we went to Oak Park Bank to open another checking account. We don't "need" another account but we can open a no-fee account for $100 and they'll count our change for free. We tried to apply online and got denied (really? lol) so we had to go into the branch. Andy did get a free rootbeer for Father's Day.
We had a wine and cheese gathering at church yesterday afternoon so I made these little focaccia sandwiches. Not a lot of people showed up, but the conversations were good. And the weather was perfect so we sat outside.

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