Thursday, June 20, 2024

An award for E

E received an award at work today for "impact" which we agreed meant that she's doing a good job. She said about 100 awards were given out but on a "team" of a few thousand employees. It seems like kind a big deal (to me at least. I was also excited when work sent B a Starbucks gift card). She knew she won the award about a month ago when they had a big meeting and her name was mentioned in a PowerPoint presentation. She has no idea who nominated her and she didn't realize she'd get a physical award. She said the sides of the award are the four colors of Microsoft (can't see that in the picture she sent) and it's engraved on the top. The bottom is black so the engraving shows up. And it came in a velvet-lined box. Fancy, she said. She's not sure if there's a monetary award attached but so far she hasn't seen anything. "That would be nice to have," she said. It is recorded in her employee portal so maybe it will help monetarily down the road. Anyway, good job, E!

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