Monday, June 3, 2024

Bag sale

Did I need any of this stuff? No. Will I use some of it? I expect to. August was very curious to see what was in the bag I bought for $5 at a church rummage sale Allison and I went to Saturday.
Most of it was Christmas things - candles, a trivet (Andy thinks I have a trivet problem), candleholder, wine bag and wine wrappers for gifts, slate gift tags that I suppose could be used later as ornaments and some bead garlands.
They kept putting out more things as we were shopping and apparently I liked these Crate & Barrel picture ornaments so much I tossed them in the bag twice.
And I found a few Easter things. There are only six napkins but I could mix them with white or plaid ones I already have. We typically have a pretty small dinner for Easter so six napkins might be enough some years.
I liked this because of the face. It was marked $29.99 on the bottom from TJ Maxx. Hard to believe someone would have paid that much for it.
The bag fell on the floor and August must have thought I brought it home for him. He crawled right inside.

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