Monday, June 24, 2024

Church picnic

After a week of 90-plus temps we had an absolutely beautiful day yesterday for the church picnic, another 150th anniversary event. We had a great turnout.
This was Andy's plate. I made the taco salad. My friends, Leslie and Maureen, were the picnic organizers. Leslie bought hotdogs, chips and drinks while members brought desserts and sides to share; Maureen set up the tables and planned all-ages games. They did a great job.
We celebrated one of our members, June's, 98th birthday. I ordered the cake from Costco - delicious.
A very dramatic presentation of flowers for her.
Just for fun, I also made "cicada cookies," which I thought was pretty fitting seeing how they're everywhere. Most of them have red eyes but some "special" ones with blue eyes have been found this summer and I had two blue M&Ms so it was meant to be.
I made this small sign so everyone knew what was in them ... and that no real cicadas were used.

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