Thursday, December 31, 2020

So long, 2020

A New Year's Eve toast that 2021 gets us back to normal.

Lots of horrible things happened in 2020 but there were a few good things:

E started her job at Microsoft and moved to Redmond, Wash. Andy and I flew out to help get her settled.

The family showed up to a Zoom party for E's 23rd birthday.

L graduated from high school with no fanfare, no prom, no ceremony and no party. She started college on campus this fall despite all of her classes being online. She made the best of it and found new friends.

B turned 21. Cheers!

L continued working at the bakery and started and ran a wildly successful mask company.

I learned how to sew, at least a basic straight stitch. I can also thread the machine and bobbin.

L celebrated her 18th birthday with a safe, outdoor gambling party.

B started his senior year at U of I. Both L and B were troopers taking a saliva test for Covid twice a week all semester long.

Andy spent a weekend golfing with E in Washington in July. When he came home I flew out and stayed with E for three weeks. Then when I left E's BF D moved in.

E got a dog.

L talked me and Allison into going to lots of garage sales throughout the summer. We found lots of bargains!

We put new front stairs on the house, got a new roof and new stucco.

Andy and I were able to safely socialize at our friend L's outdoor concert and Oktoberfest.

We spent many summer and fall nights on our patio listening to music and playing with the neighborhood outdoor cat, Schubert.

Andy and I celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary - not in Germany as we had hoped but we've rescheduled for 2021.

B managed to continue testing negative for the virus even though his roommate was positive.

L made lots of cocoa bombs with Aunt Allison's help over winter break and sold them to earn some money. She had to turn customers away.

The kids were all home for a quiet Christmas.

The kids were able to spend a few days together at Disney World to end the year.

We definitely learned to appreciate the little things in life - a beautiful sunset, being with friends and family, stocked stores, playing with the cats, dinners out. And best of all, we all stayed healthy. Looking forward to a better year in 2021.
All together for a lasagne dinner on New Year's Eve. No parties for any of us this year.
So long, 2020! Hello, 2021!

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