Saturday, May 11, 2019

Hello, Seattle!

B was driving home for the summer yesterday while Andy was driving to Champaign to see E before she left for Seattle. He was able to help her clean the apartment, take her to dinner and this morning, he took her to breakfast. Here she is at the Champaign airport getting ready to leave.

She's wearing her smaller brace the doctor gave her Thursday, but she still took the big one to Seattle.

She was worried about getting through security with the knee brace though it didn't pose any problem.

She's ready to start her adventure. The Champaign airport had five flights scheduled for the day - quite a change from O'Hare. Her flight went to O'Hare where she changed planes and went to Seattle.

One of the desk employees saw her brace and let her board early. Being injured has a few benefits, I suppose. Here she is sitting on the plan at O'Hare. The flight was delayed because a bird struck an engine on the plane's way to O'Hare.

Andy and I went to a local brewery for a pint to celebrate her departure and snag my free Mother's Day T-shirt. I asked for an XL because I hate tight, fitted shirts and the tag says XL but it's too tight to be comfortable. If L can't wear it, it's going in the donate box. E called when she got settled in her studio apartment. She was able to drive the rental car (a Toyota Rav 4) and found the long-stay hotel. She said her leg hurt a lot from sitting on the flight for so long. The interns are meeting up for a welcome hike tomorrow but we think it's best that E skip that. Hopefully, she'll be fully recovered soon.

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