Saturday, May 18, 2019

Doughnut season

Today was the start of the Farmers Market for the season and that means it's time for Pilgrim to make the doughnuts. Andy and I went in at 3 a.m. He captained so that's when he started; I was a tray person so my shift didn't technically begin till 4 a.m. but if he left without me I wasn't sure I'd wake up in time. Of course, Muffles decides he's going to dart out of the house at 3 a.m. He was so scared and I was screaming. Andy finally nabbed him under the stairs and tossed him back in the house. Too much excitement too early in the morning. B came at 4 a.m. and was a fryer assistant.

Balloons, signs and T-shirts welcomed the volunteers.

Here's Andy doing his captain thing. He works for about an hour then he's pretty much supervising. I think his "woe is me, I've been up working so hard since 3 a.m." is a little exaggerated. (And when we got home he went to the driving range, so he wasn't too tired.)

This was B's station at the fryer. When the fryer would put the doughnut batter in, he and another man would flip the doughnuts with drumstricks, then lock the screen and fry them.

After they were fried, they set them in front of me and my friend, S, who was my fellow tray person. We moved the doughnuts from the screen to the trays. We usually got 20 doughnuts per tray, two deep on each row.

B volunteered to work but doesn't look too excited here.

We filled the racks several times, shuttling them from the kitchen to the people who were doing the sugaring.

The sugar station.

One of the new additions this year is iced coffee. L volunteered to serve as barrista. She sold out - 40 cups of coffee at $3 each. Not bad for the inaugural run. When Andy said the Doughnut Committee was looking for ways to increase sales, L suggested iced coffee.

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