Saturday, October 7, 2017

Retreating on Saturday

So we wake up in our cabin, St. Phillipus, to find L and her friend, R, sleeping on the couches in the living room even though their bedroom were in Schrag, a cabin a short walk away. L said they saw some bugs in their room (it is the forest) and one girl said one of the bugs was a tick. I'm not sure what the bugs were but hearing that was enough to prompt the two girls to walk to our cabin at 1:30 in the morning. The camp manager sprayed their room after breakfast.

After breakfast the adults had a book discussion while the youth played games and went to the beach.

The girls look happy here but L got her friends kind of lost on the way back to camp, Andy had to go pick them up and they were cranky, hot and mad. It was not a fun lunch. L thought her friends were mad at her, but they all made up (thankfully) and saved the rest of the weekend.

After lunch we loaded the girls into the Buick and drove to Dinges' pumpkin farm.

Here they are going in the corn maze. The theme was "Lost in Space" so, of course, I had to get their picture in front of the spaceship.

Lots of gourds for sale.

Andy trying to relax.

Three of the girls went into the haunted house. L's friend, R, bought two $10 pumpkins. They're huge. We're hoping we'll be able to get them home.

It started raining around 6 p.m. so the evening campfire was canceled. So after dinner, one of our fearless leaders planned intergenerational games. We split up into teams and did three trivia quizzes, then used cups to see which team could build the tallest tower at the end of three minutes. I had R and AL on my team.

L's trying to determine how long her tower will stand.

This team was our closest competition. Our tower was taller and their tower fell just before time was up.

So my team was the winner!

L had emailed our Christian Ed director, M, a bunch of crafts she thought would be good to try at the retreat. M was all for it and brought a bunch of supplies. She said she loves when L comes up with ideas - and she has a lot - because they're doable and usually fun. Here they are making sand candles.

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