Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sightseeing in Bailey

We did some sightseeing in Bailey on Saturday morning. Our first stop was The Sasquatch Outpost.
The store has anything and everything you could possibly want Bigfoot-related.
We went to a few more gift shops and one thrift shop.
We stopped along the road to get pictures of the South Platte River with its rapids.
E touched the water and said it was cold. So clear, too.
We stopped at the South Park Coney Island hotdog stand just to get some pictures. D said one of the characters on South Park lives in a hotdog. I haven't seen the show in a while. The adjacent gift shop had a lot of South Park things for sale so he must be right.
This was too funny to not take a picture of. They had others, get well etc., in the same theme.
We had lunch at Two Dads Eatery and Taproom before going back to our cabin to get ready for the wedding (after a bit of lounging in the hot tub.)

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