Saturday, August 31, 2024

In Florida

Allison drove us to O'Hare yesterday morning for our flight to Fort Lauderdale. Here's Andy in the United Club while we waiting for boarding to begin.
We picked up a rental, a Chevy Malibu, and headed south. We took the "no toll" option so it took us a long time.
We had quite a drive to Marathon, where we stayed for the night. It would be dry, then rain pretty hard, then stop. I texted L and said this off and on heavy rain is bullshit. She replied, "Welcome to Florida lol. "
We stopped at Key Largo at Jimmy Johnson's Big Chill for dinner. Sat outside overlooking the water. The view was great. This was Andy's sunset picture.
We got a pizza - NY style but not as floppy as most are. Quite good for Florida pizza.
My photo when we got our table. We're surrounded by the Gulf of Mexico.
We were almost done eating when it started to rain. The waitress said we could move inside, no big deal. Apparently, it happens all of the time. We just moved to the other side of the table and tried to be under the umbrella. The rain didn't last long.
Our map on the way to Marathon. We were surrounded by water on both sides.
We got to our hotel, The Kingsail Resort, about 9:30. It was dark so I couldn't take any outside pictures. This is our room. There's also a screened in sitting area with a sofa and pool view but we were too tired to enjoy it. It's been a long day.

Friday, August 30, 2024

One Black-eyed Susan

I have been trying to grow Black-eyed Susans for years. The other day I noticed one plant about four feet from where I would have planted it by the fence ... and it's blooming. They're perrenials so once I get them going they should multiply. I might have to move this one to the side of the yard and see if it returns next year. We'll see.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Old articles never die

Not sure if I'll ever not be surprised when I see one of my old news articles resurfaces. This one was included in a Housing Forward email we recently received.
A closer look at it. I don't remember writing it but I was reporting for a long time (and quite prolific) and that adds up to a lot of articles.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Vintage Disney

L asked for a "vintage" Disney picture to add to the employee corkboard at Yacht and Beach Club. Why, yes I do! This is one of my favorites - L making a wish during lunch at Cinderella's table during our first Disney trip for spring break 2008. L was 5.
This was an Easter game at Port Orleans Riverside. She said she "cheated." I'm not sure what she meant by that but I'm not asking.
Full of personality.
Chef Mickey's. We ate at three character meals, I thnk.
She finally persuaded Andy to buy her a huge balloon at Magic Kingdom on our last night. It cost $9 and L said now they cost $24. Crazy. Anyway, she was crying the next morning when we had to deflate it to board the plane home.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Irving’s cicada

Who said the cicadas are gone? I went on a walk the other day and was surprised this big cicada sculpture, in Irving's colors, attached on the side of a tree at the school. Kind of cool.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Sunday at the Shedd

Allison had tickets to the Shedd Aquarium from women who rented her condo so Andy and I went with her and Pat yesterday. Saw Buckingham Fountain going off on the ride to the aquarium.
Allison wanted to see the penquins.
We haven't been there in years. A little disappointing that they're renovating the main fish tank. Here are some pretty fish.
It's little things like this that drive me crazy. They couldn't pull the PE of perch onto the second line? In a world-class aquarium? Oy.

This was cool. I send L the video. The fish just kept swimming in circles.
Bad picture but it was a pretty (and hot) summer day on the city.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Petty tribute

Andy and I, Julie and Kevin, Allison and Pat all went to Fitzgerald's last night to hear The Heartwreckers, a Tom Petty tribute band Andy and I saw there last year.
Once the little breeze we have died down it got kind of warm.
Julie, Kevin and Pat. The patio was packed.
The band. Last year they played my favorite, "Listen to Her Heart," first. This time it was their third song.
Julie and Kevin met us there, but Allison and Pat came over before the show and we had a little cookout with Italian sausages. It gave me a chance to make my baked beans.
Julie's selfie got us all in the picture and looking at the camera. That's an achievement.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Trained and ready

L with the group of future concierges who finished their training Friday.
And here she is, dressed in her costume, for her first day of work today (Saturday). By noon she had texted to say she'd already been complimented three times by her manager.
First day done. She said she's telling everyone she's graduating and hopes to land a full-time Disney job. Her trainer said if he didn't have to wait five days before letting her work on her own, he would have approved that after today. She's a go-getter.

Neighbor party

I came home from a church dinner meeting last night around 8:30 and the neighbors (we call them "the kids") were setting up their yard. I asked if they were having a party and they said yes (of course no one had arrived yet because they're young) and they invited us over. I said no, Andy had to do donuts Saturday morning and I was too tired. I said I'd take a raincheck and she ran over and gave me two Jack Daniels drinks. I'm not sure what they are but she said they're tasty. I hope so.
This is a bad picture but their yard did look festive.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Public art ‘80s style

I like these tiny murals Oak Park has along the train line. Different artists do each panel so it's quite an ecclectic mix of styles and subjects. We were lucky enough to drive by when an artist was painting one. This one is in a spot we drive by all the time.
The village made a short video about the artist and the mural. It's a flashback to the 1980s with the vibrant clothing and the VHS camcorder, the artist said. I do love the '80s. Certainly brightens up the area.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My morning visitor

Pretty cardinal stopped by our yard. I opened the door to get a clearer picture but he flew away.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Red Rocks and Boulder

Andy and I left our Airbnb around 8:30 a.m. Monday, well before the check-out time. All the owner asked was to pile the dirty towels by the front door and said we could wash dishes if we wanted. We did. Andy even took out the trash because Monday was trash day.
Andy was driving fast and I asked what the hurry was? We'll be in Denver before anything is open. That's when we decided to drive theough Red Rocks Park. This is a John Denver statue at the Trading Post gift shop.
He climbed up to the ampitheater ...
while I made friends with a deer that wasn't scared of me at all.
Andy got great views of the ampitheater.
He said it was quite a walk up.
He even took a pic of me waiting for him lol.
This was his artsy pic with the city of Denver in the background.
Then we decided to head to Boulder to checkout the University of Colorado. We didn't realize it was student move-in day. This stop was supposed to be a scenic lookout over Boulder.
Campus is pretty but all of the building look like this. You can't tell what's an old building and what's new. We think this was the band practicing, no instruments though.
This, we think, is a dorm. No students though.
We stopped at a little brewery in Boulder, Mountain Sun, for a beer and a snack.
Cute downtown area.
Our last stop was the house from the old TV show, "Mork and Mindy." Interesting.
Then we returned the rental car, checked our bags and headed to the United Club to relax and have lunch while United delayed our flight 40 minutes.
Finally leaving Denver.
Blue super moon as we came into O'Hare.
O'Hare was all decked out for the Democratic convention. They also had huge flags hanging above all of the security entrances.