Saturday, February 3, 2018

Busy Saturday

Now I'm a little freaked out.

I hadn't seen a cardinal in our yard since Wednesday, which was Mom's birthday, but today, on Dad's birthday, I look out the window and there's a cardinal! Hmmm.

My treat for the day was a day trip home from B. He came home to go to the high school's Japan Fest. While we were on the way to fill his car with gas, though, I noticed that it's running rough so we're going to have it looked at tomorrow. Mechanic brother-in-law said it's best not to drive it, especially that far. B will either wait for it to get fixed tomorrow or drive my car back and we'll switch later. At least it didn't break down on the highway. Anyway, he was excited to get the candy his host mom sent with the Japanese exchange students.

Here's B with L before she headed to the high school. Mayu had an early track practice then went straight to the festival to finish setting up.

These are some pictures L sent of Japan Fest.

Preparing for the crowds of visitors.

Mayu looked so pretty in her kimono.

Want to learn how to use chopsticks?

L's friend, T, and another student cook traditional food to sell at the festival.

One of the performers.

Andy and I didn't go to Japan Fest because we had to go to our pastor's retirement party/celebration/farewell.

Andy was the moderator when she was hired so he was asked to give a short speech.

Andy gives Sally a hug. Tomorrow she leads her last worship service.

Sally holds the photo book I helped worked on by contributing photos and editing it with a group of women from church.

The reception afterward. I made little smokies wrapped in crescent rolls. Delicious.

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