Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What storm?

Newscasts last night were predicting one of the worst storms in 70 years today. So far, all we've gotten is high winds. It's been windy all day and hasn't let up. I was expecting rain, lightning and high winds. Maybe the worst is yet to come?

According to the Tribune, "Sustained winds of 25 to 35 mph are forecast for much of the day, with wind gusts up to 50 mph this morning and 70 mph this afternoon."

There are high wind warnings issues and tornado watches, but it looks pretty tame here so far. The hype about the storm is much worse than the storm itself. At least it got the newscasters away from talking about the elections.

"The massive storm, packing lightning and heavy downpours, is the result of a low-pressure system that the western Great Lakes and upper Midwest region has not experienced in decades," the paper said. "'The storm system will be one of the most powerful we have seen in this part of the country in more than 70 years,' said Jim Allsopp, a meteorologist for the National Weather Service. 'This is a big deal.'"

Really? Guess we'll wait and see how this turns out.

Aside from a branch that was blown out of one of my trees this morning, this picture shows the only storm damage I've seen. I went with a friend to the Economy Shop this morning to sort some clothes and came home to find a branch hanging in the neighbor's wires. Didn't take long before it was blown into their yard.

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