Saturday, October 10, 2015


After a morning of free time where the kids walked to the beach and Andy and I drove around the area, L was ready to ring the bell to tell everyone it was lunchtime.


After lunch, Andy and I went to help with the youth Pilgrim Olympics. Here's B taking a shot at water-bottle bowling.

IR tries to get a ping pong ball in a bucket for another game.

Here's L's friend, T, trying to catch ping pong balls using a bucket on her head.

For the last game, L volunteered to be put in a plastic raincoat and shower cap. I don't think she realized that she was going to have her head covered in shaving cream and have her team toss Cheetos at her head. Each one that stuck counted as a point for her team.

Andy had the pleasure of pulling off the Cheetos and counting them. I think she had 48 stuck to her head.

The kids were fairly happy at the end of the games. They surprisingly ended in a tie.

After the games Andy and I retreated to Lake Michigan. You can't go to camp and not stop by the lake, especially on the gorgeous fall day we had.

Selfie at the lake.

Too cold to venture in the water.

Since we couldn't go in the lake, we decided to retreat (from our children) into the town of Sawyer and found an outdoor beer garden/brew pub, recommended by a friend of mine whose church also goes to Tower Hill, in which to enjoy nature and a couple good brews before dinner.

B and IR relaxing in their room before it got dark and was time to sit around the campfire.

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