Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

It's 8 a.m. and we're done opening presents. E and B were up earlier and had already gone through their stockings. They had to wait for L to wake up before opening presents. She sauntered into the living room at about 7:30 a.m.

E got two SodaStream bottles and pumps for her syrups, ninja chopsticks, a spherical ice cube maker and two nice shirts - at least I like them. She's not too thrilled with me buying clothes without her. We'll see if they get worn.

B got four new video games. First, though, we had him open slippers. He thought they were shoes. "Shoes? Why not?" he said. When I told him they were slippers to keep his feet warm when he's on his computer by the dining room window, he was a little more accepting of them.

Andy got metal collar stays, a tie, a pair of microfiber pajama pants and, his big present, a clock that also serves as a charger for his phone.

L got two Monster High dolls and an iPad mini. I'm looking forward to being able to use my iPad again now that she can use her own.

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