Friday, June 1, 2012

Last day

Today was the last day of school for L and B. For the first time, it was a full day. The kids at Irving were outside most of the day despite it being a little cold for the first day of June. We had a high of 62 degrees.

The chilly weather didn't stop the Irving teachers from putting on their annual end-of-the-year dance. The principal announced the teachers, saying, "You know there's nothing we like doing better than dancing for all of you." The teachers did three dances this year - one all together, one just the guys and the last with a few of the women teachers.

At the end all the kids ran out to hug their teachers.

Tonight was the end-of-the-year party at Barrie Park. I went over around 4:30 p.m. to take a cooler and saw a low-flying plane come over the park. I couldn't figure out the markings, but when I came home and turned on the TV I saw that President Obama had just landed at O'Hare. I just saw Air Force One! Then, at the party, we saw five military helicopters fly over taking Obama into Chicago. The kids were waving (as if the president could see them!)
Pretty exciting stuff for Oak Park.

B and L both brought home good report cards. B got all A's and L had all 3's. She had a few "needs improvement" marks, but she was expecting those. Here she is at the end of the day. Good-bye fourth grade, hello fifth grade!

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