Monday, September 16, 2019

Yard sale finds

While Andy was at his Brewery Crawl with his golfing friends Saturday, L and I went to a few yard sales. I thought most of them were busts but L found a few things she liked. Surprised? She talked me into buying this little sifter. It's one cup and it's so cute. Cost me $3. When I looked it up on ebay after we got home, the listings were split between whether its a real sifter or a toy. Either way, I think the size will work for my recipes. I'm not sifting enough flour to make bread or anything like that.

For $2 L said we needed this sign. Should have had it all those years B had all his friends over to play video games. I hung it up on the way to the basement where L had a handmade "Watch Your Step" sign for years.

And this can be filed in the didn't-need-but-might-come-in-handy category. I got two strings of gold bead garland for $3. Each string is about 35 feet. It's ridicously long. I didn't realize how long it was at the sale. The seller told me they sell for $20 in the store. I'm not sure about that. Amazon has 18-foot garland for sale for $9. Guess if I ever to a silver and gold Christmas, I'm all set.

And speaking of Christmas ... Sunday afternoon Allison and I went to a nearby community flea market/yard sale and I found a Christmas trivia game for $1. Last year at the family Christmas we had people answer a trivia question, then choose a present. If we do it again at least I won't have to search the internet for trivia questions.

Then the guy offered to sell me this for $1. Guess who that's for.

I'd say my find of the day were these glass candle rings, also known as bobeches. They're impossible to find in stores without ordering them so I figured the only place I'd ever find them would be at some sort of resale shop. I had just mentioned to Allison that I was looking for them and a while later, there they were. And 10 cents each? I bought all 10. My tablecloths should be happy.

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