Sunday, February 26, 2017

Mission dinner

Here's Andy enjoying the Italian mission dinner at church last night - stuffed shells with meat sauce, a salad and garlic bread. Dessert was apple crisp with ice cream. Appetizers were chicken and vegetarian pasties. I think that's what the potatoes I shredded yesterday were used for.

During dinner, each table was given trivia questions to complete. One sheet was Michigan trivia, the next was Benton Harbor/St. Joseph trivia (that's where the youth are headed this summer), and the last was Motown trivia. Our team did OK, but we didn't win.

An overall shot of the room taken by a fellow church member. You can see Andy and me sitting at the table.

Entertainment for the evening was a clarinet duo of "Somewhere Over the Rainbow."

And a vocal solo.

L's job for the night was running the raffle. She sold raffle tickets as people walked into the dinner and here she is drawing winners for each of the prizes - a week in Branson, Mo., Broadway in Chicago tickets and Bulls tickets. She actually pulled out Rob, one of Andy's work partners, as the winner for the Bulls tickets. And for her efforts in selling raffle tickets (over $200 worth) she earned a Starbucks gift card.

Our table.

Some of the youth.

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