Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cornucopia cake pops

When I opened the refrigerator this morning, I saw the cake pops L began making for Thanksgiving. I'm not sure where she put everything that was on the top shelf, but I am confident it's in the fridge somewhere. She said she couldn't do them all last night or she would have been up all night. She finished the rest today.

I think she did a pretty good job for a 12-year-old who followed a video on YouTube. And, they actually taste good.

She has enough to cover some with plastic wrap and give to her neighborhood friends and teacher on Monday if we freeze them this weekend. I have to say I'm impressed.

Wish I was as impressed with my first effort at pecan pie. I followed the recipe. It's a little dark. I'm not sure whether it's really done or burnt a bit. We'll find out tomorrow. B spent part of the day playing video games here with IR and IB. E had P come over and bake chocolate chip cookies. Then they took a walk to Radio Shack and Panera for lunch, then back here for a while. Here's a (very dark) pic she took of them to show the cousins tomorrow.

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