Sunday, November 15, 2009

Laugh for today

I asked B today if he would want to go see the play "Fiddler on the Roof" at E's middle school this afternoon.

"Hitler?" he questioned.

"I said, 'Fiddler,'" I responded.

"Oh. Now, 'Hitler on the Roof' I'd want to see!" B said.

He opted to stay home, but I took E and L to see the performance. L couldn't sit still. She got up seven times - to buy candy, get a drink of water, use the bathroom, another drink, use the bathroom again, toss out her candy wrapper and yet another drink of water. And all of that was before intermission! At intermission, I called A and he came to pick her up while E and I enjoyed the rest of the show.


I helped out at Sunday School this morning as the kids made dough for pita bread and stirred together a couscous salad as part of their lesson. L wore her fanciest dress because the kids were serving the food to the congregation during fellowship hour after worship, but wore an apron so she could help cook. When I asked L if she tried any of the food the kids made, she said, "No. I just had a cookie."

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