Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Jersey Boys

Last night, A and I had a rare night out sans children to see "Jersey Boys" at the Bank of America Theatre in Downtown Chicago. Aunt A came over to babysit which thrilled the kids who had been asking for hours when she was going to arrive. We started the night with dinner at a local Italian restaurant then drove downtown to see the show. It was fantastic! I was surprised at how many of the Four Seasons' songs I recognized.

The pre-show entertainment was pretty good, too. One couple moved from our row (K) in the mezzanine to seats a little closer. An usher asked them to move back to their seats, but they wouldn't, so the usher's supervisor was called in and made them move. Instead of going back to their seats, they moved a bit farther back, which the supervisor said was OK. I suppose it's OK to move to cheaper seats, but not the more expensive ones. To our amusement, the couple tried to move up closer a second time so the supervisor came again and made them return to the seats they had purchased. Maybe if they wanted the better seats they should have paid for them.

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