Saturday, October 26, 2019

Quick college trip

Andy did the first shift of the end-of-the-season chocolate donuts this morning, after being up late making the cinnamon and chocolate frostings. When he got home, we woke L and took a quick trip to U of I with the plan to bring some of E's things home so she won't have so much to bring home in December. We also wanted to see their apartments since they drove themselves down to school and August and didn't need our help moving in. This is the courtyard at B's bulding.

His apartment is very nice and pretty clean for four guys.

This huge refrigerator is actually two refrigerators placed side by side. Nice.

This is the in-unit washing machine and dryer ... and one of his roommate's shoes. L was qute impressed with the shoe collection.

Here are going to lunch. So nice to have everyone together again.

The kids picked Texas Roadhouse for lunch. I had never been there and L was skeptical but ended up loving it.

My super senior. After lunch, we took the kids to Walmart to get some necessities and Hobby Lobby where E had to pick up a few things for an art class.

This is the living room of E's apartment. Her building is right next to B's which makes it very convenient.

E's roommate has a dog and we wanted to see it. It was on her roommate's bed. L said it looked like a stuffed animal.

The rain never let up all day. I was hoping to get some nice pictures of the kids on the quad with the trees turning color, but not today. We could hardly see the cars in front of us on the interstate so we got off at Chebanse and took Route 45 (Mannheim Road) back to the burbs. It was slow going and there was a lot of water on the road but we made it.

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