Monday, September 28, 2015

Blood moon eclipse

L couldn't wait for nightfall last night to see the lunar eclipse, in conjunction with a full harvest moon, creating a blood moon. Above is the first picture she took before she enlisted Andy's help. She watched the eclipse with us for at least an hour. B went to Barrie to watch it there with some friends. It was cloudy, but the clouds cleared out for most of the eclipse. It hasn't happened for 33 years (1982) and won't happen again until 2033.

This obviously isn't a great picture, but I was working with a crazy telephoto lens and it was dark outside. However, I love L's expression upon seeing the eclipse happen before her eyes. Andy looks pretty impressed, too. Andy took the following photos. He steadied the camera on the traffic signal box alongside our house and used a really slow shutter speed. We didn't stay out late enough to see the moon turn really red.

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