Saturday, February 1, 2014

Japanese Fest and lots of visitors

E was at the high school last night till about 8:30 p.m. setting up for today's Japanese Fest and today she went back at 9 a.m. to continue the work. B had his friend, B and IB, sleep over and at 11 a.m. their friend, L, from Ohio made a visit. We only learned he was coming home a couple days ago and fortunately the only plan B had was to go to the Japanese Fest, so they took L along. Here's a pic of the boys before they headed to the school, after lunch at the neighborhood's favorite hot dog stand, Pete's. His last visit was on this birthday in November.

L had her friend, J, sleep over last night too. That's a total of six kids in the house; Andy and I were seriously outnumbered. L went with J and her dad this afternoon to skate at Millennium Park in downtown Chicago. She got back just in time for us to run to the high school and check out the Japanese Fest. We were hoping E's shift would be over, but she had to stay and help clean up. She didn't get home till about 5:30 p.m. Doesn't she look happy to be cleaning up?

B and his friends went to the Japanese Fest to get credit for their Japanese class and somehow brought home two more boys. We broke that party up pretty quickly and B was able to spend some time playing video games with L alone before he left around 6 p.m. First, though, they went with IB back to Pete's so L could get a milkshake. They certainly didn't let the snow (about 6 inches, I'd guess) stop them. They look like they're having a good time.

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