Monday, February 24, 2014

Poetry project

Talk about busy work! L's English assignment was to write 11 poems on a single subject. She chose toys. The poems were all different (one was a haiku, one a limerick, one alliteration, etc.) Then she had to find a "creative" way to display the poems. L attached each poem to a toy and filled a "toy box" with them. She had been working on the project throughout the weekend and tonight was crunch time - it's due tomorrow. I heard from other parents that their children had all the poems written in class and I knew L still had about six to write so I started panicking yesterday afternoon that she was already behind. She spent the night at the computer and cranked out the remaining six poems. All that work and each poem is worth four points. Creativity is worth 10 points. The entire project is 70 points so I guess that is a decent part of the grade.

Here's L with a baby doll that she used for her limerick. I found it at the Economy Shop and we were going to throw it out because it's dirty and I thought it would work great for L's project. Kind of gross, I know.

Finally putting the lid on this project.

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